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  1. F


    I have a 5 day old seedling that is growing sideways I tried to tie it but couldnt really get it I kinda touched the whole plant to much and it was moving around alot but doesnt look like I did any damage. Does anyone know if it's ok to touch a plant alot that young? And if so any ideas on what...
  2. F

    on line seeds

    I ordered from the single seed centre didnt recive anything e mailed them they reshiped got my new package but I havent recived any letter from customs about my 1st package this seems kinda fishy should I.b worried? I heard if they take a package they tag ur address but yet I got my second order
  3. F

    ruderalis growing

    Im about to start growing automatic mary its a cross between ruderalis and sativa. It's only supposed to get a little over a foot tall I was wonering if its possible to grow it to budding in a small pot? Perhaps the same size pot as a regular sativa or indaca seedling?
  4. F

    over watering

    Ok thanks for all that info it's really gonna help.:peace::sleep:
  5. F

    seed delivery

    World wide marijuana sent an email saying its at post office
  6. F

    seed delivery

    World wide marijuana seeds
  7. F

    seed delivery

    Whos they? Customs? If so how come no letter?
  8. F

    seed delivery

    I've ordered from world wide marijuana seeds didnt get em for a month havent recived a letter from customs the seed bank says there gonna re send the seed should I b worried about the authorities? I live in iowa if that matters.
  9. F

    over watering

    Ok thank you ver much I will try that
  10. F


    Would it b ok to start a seed in a 3 gallon pot to avoid a transfer?
  11. F

    over watering

    Ok thank you i'll definitely try that.
  12. F

    seed delivery

    So I ordered 1 seed thru world wide marijuana didn't get it so there gonna re ship it there email says it's still at the post office and could take up to 2 months to get it and they r gonna re ship. Is this normal? I havent recived any letter from customs and am a little worried. Do u think the...
  13. F

    over watering

    Hi everyone. I've tried my 1st grow but It turns out I over watered my seedling ive benn using a spray bottle at first then started just pouring straight on I think that may have been my mistake should I just keep spraying when I start a new or pour less water straight on and how often should I...
  14. F

    stop growth

    Thanks i'll give it a few more days and c what happens
  15. F

    stop growth

    No but I might have been over watering it but didnt have droopy leaves I heard soil needs to b dry once in awhile before I heard that I heard to keep seedlings soil dry once in awhile that could explain no growth but I cant seem to find y its white doesnt look like mold and yeah I need to get...
  16. F

    stop growth

    Hello everyone I have a seedling about 3 in big 9 days old appeared to stop growing and white lines and a couple spots on the leaves can anyone tell me what I did wrong before my next attempt gonna let it sit for a few more days to c what happens. This was my 1st attempt im practicing on bag...
  17. F

    stop growth

    Hello everyone I have a seedling about 3 in big 9 days old appeared to stop growing and white lines and a couple spots on the leaves can anyone tell me what I did wrong before my next attempt gonna let it sit for a few more days to c what happens. This was my 1st attempt im practicing on bag...