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  1. C

    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Pics from Earlier This week on Monday. Took some clones from the mothers.
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    RUBBERMAID 45 gal Blackberry

    Glad to see Someone Growing Blackberry....I Just Ordered My Nirvana Blackberry and Bubblelicious. Although Im Planning to do DWC Bubbleponics though. I Will Definitely be Staying Updated With your Blackberry Grow. +1 Subscribed
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    I Took Some New Pics Today. The Seedlings are coming along nice. Also I Will Attempt to take My First Set Of Clones today. My Rockwool Cubes have been soaking in 5.5 PH'd Water. I Bought A Clone Dome For the Rockwool cubes So Hopefully in 2 weeks they'll get some nice rooting they'll be ready...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Feb 6 pics 6 seedling looking nice and 4 plants getting nice and bushy
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Everysince i put the 400w hps on the plants it brang them back to life. The nodes are growing nicely and I'm patiently waiting Until Its Cloning Time because Today I Bought a 1000w hps for The Clones for when they get ready. :lol: Also the 6 Seedlings are doing just fine Under just 1 42w CFL...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    I Bought a 400w HPS Today. So I Had To Change My Grow Room Up a Little So I Updated Some New Pics.. I Put The Plants Under The 400w HPS and the Seedlings Under 2 CFL's
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Today I Trimmed The Brown Spots Off the Leaves and Finally Watered Them Again. As For My Second Strain My New Seedlings Sprouted through the Soil 1-2 Days Ago. All 5 seedlings Made It. The Lighting Schedule Is also back on 18/6 instead of 19/5. Even Though Noone Ever Posts In My Journal :sad...
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    Are My Ladies Dead?
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    They Are Still Looking Really Droopy and The leaves arent looking healthy. but im just letting nature do their thing and revive themselves. I'll try let it dry out for a few days util i water them again. because they are Still acting really sick from the transplant earlier this week and african...
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    1000 Watts of Chem 4

    Im so jealous :) ..........i wish I could get 25 sexy clones...anywho im am also a big fan of fluoros...everythings looking nice I will definately be keeping updated with this grow...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    The 4 plants are looking very sick, its making me sad.....for the past few days I have accidently been misting them directly with the african voilet solution. Instead if the proper mixed left all of the leaves with dry white spots and its killing some of the leaves making them have...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    I Germinated Some Seeds a Few Days Ago. They are a Whole Different Strain Than What Im Currently Growing. I Believe Its Haze. But Im Not Sure. I Was Able Grab a Picture Of A Nug And I Posted It Below. Anywho The Tails Popped on 6 out of 8 seeds. So the 6 of them in Cups and into the Veg Room...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Looks Like They Survived The Transplant So Far Since I Transplanted Them All In 5 Gallon Buckets Last Night. Now I Have Them Under (2) 4" 32w T8's, (2) 4" 40w T12's, 1 42w CFL, 1 23w CFL, Also Added Another Fan. The Stalks a Getting Thicker now that the fands are closer. the Nodes are growing ok...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Today I Transplanted them to 5 Gallon Pots. They're Looking a Little Droppy But Hopefully They Survive The Shock. Also today I Bought Some Miracle Gro -African Voilet. So From Now on I'll be using african voilet mixed with the water is use to mist and water the plants. Pics will be updated...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    I dont know it could be a variety of strains. Hopefully G13 Haze or Purple j/k Just Some Nice Mids. Heres What It Looked Like Before I Grabbed a Few Seeds Off This HUGE NUG. So All My Seedlings Came from This Beautiful Nug.
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    Took Some Pics Today - Day 24 For The First 2 and a half weeks i have been vegging them under 2 40watt 4" T12 Cool White Lights on a Light Schedule of 18/6. Them I Transplanted the Biggest Plant In A 5 Gallot Pot. And Put Them Under 2 32w T8 Cool White Lights, 1 23w CFL, 1 150w CFL. Now They...
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    End Of Week 3 - Day 21
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    I've Only Been Keeping Track Of The Two Biggest Plants But This Is This Bigger One Week Two - Day 14
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    Cali4Life's 1st Time Grow From BagSeed

    This Is My 1st Time Grow. I Have 4 Plants. I Germed Them On Christmas and Planted Them On New Years (January 1st). So They Are 24 days Old. As Of Right Now Im Just Planning To Just Keep Them ONLY For Constant Vegging So I Can Take As Many Clones As Possible and just Keep Cloning. So Hopefully...