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  1. M

    update on plant, lemmi know what your all opinions are PICS

    just trying to see how its doing, lemmi know what you all think about the indoor grow
  2. M

    a rediculous question, that i need answering

    alright i didnt think that would be logical i just had to have someone back me up so i could know for sure, thanks alot
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    a rediculous question, that i need answering

    hey a friend of mine told me you can tell if its a male or female by how many leaves they have, a female has 5 to 7 & a male has 3-4 or something of that sort, can anyone vouch for this at all? is this any way logical?
  4. M

    what is required to grow in canada?

    yea thats what im wondering, becuase i wanted to grow it and put it into a dispincary, they wont just let you grow it i dont think, you gotta have some sort of degree i would think. like herbalism , or botany..
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    Male plant?

    im not sure if this is right, but someone told me that a female has like 5-7 fingers per leaf. and male has like 3-4 or something or another, not sure though so dont take my advice, just thought someone could back me up if i was correct or not. good luck though im in the same stage.
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    indoor plant is like a foot long, still top heavy. what to do!?

    as for my plant now, i got home from work today, and i went to look at my plants and ofcourse this one was in trouble, it was off the stick leaning all the way over, not to mention the top of the plant is now curved too, i feel like maybe i should trash it and start over? but at the same time it...
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    indoor plant is like a foot long, still top heavy. what to do!?

    yea if i had the choice to get cfl's i would, i feel like its my first grow, and theres plenty of seeds out there for me to get my hands on, this is kindof like a practice since i will definately be growing again. i need to make myself a grow box.
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    what is required to grow in canada?

    anyone know? ive been thinking about maybe botany, or herbalist. but maybe theres more to that ? or less hopefully. any info would be appreciated.
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    indoor plant is like a foot long, still top heavy. what to do!?

    yea that does sound kindof rediculous, everyone i know says it makes a big difference, as you can see mine isnt very professional, but what do you expect, its my first time, anyway i seriously think it would make a difference, a bad room = bad plants good room = nice good buds :D which is always...
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    trying to figure out what canada requires to grow marijuana

    is there like a certain cerification that you need to grow and supply to distributaries? or its not like that at all.
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    indoor plant is like a foot long, still top heavy. what to do!?

    here is a picture of the one im concerned with, as you can see the stem seems far to long, as for what it looks like when its bending over, lets just say it bends all the way over. HELP ME PLEASE! any other input about the plant would be appreciated the leaves are turning a little yellow on...
  12. M

    Growing with the sun! Grand Master Kush *PICS*

    oh nice, yea mine doesnt look that good..indica? because my leaves arent that big, if you ask me i would definately say my stem is most of my plant at the moment hahah
  13. M

    indoor plant is like a foot long, still top heavy. what to do!?

    yea i dont have a fan on it my friend told me to but i kindof pushed that aside for the moment, otherwise im using a plant light 65watt light per plant. im sure a fan would probably do the trick, the lights are about 4 inches from the top of the plants itself. as for the stem the bottom of...
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    indoor plant is like a foot long, still top heavy. what to do!?

    is this bad? the leaves are about an inch and half now, and the plant itself is a foot and i noticed this morning when i was watering it that it has to be really top heavy, i have a stick holding it up (not the kind you tie the stem to, a V stick that i just broke off a tree, im kindof worried...
  15. M

    out of virginia outside growing

    ah thanks liebe appreciate the help, everyone makes it seem like its just easier to buy weed than grow it, i mean ofcourse it is, but i mean some of the people i talk to make it sound pretty diffricult. but yea today was the fist day it actually got good sun, been raining for days, but its still...
  16. M

    out of virginia outside growing

    hey first time grower, just wondering if this is a good place to plant, i have 3 already up and in the baby stages, just now got the first leaves, the works. but i dont keep it in 16 hours of light, i bring it inside at night so it wont get to cold, and leave it outside all day while im at work...
  17. M

    question about plant inside/ moving for lighting outside

    alright so i posted about a week ago on weither or not mid grade seeds end up making nice buds, found out it really depends on how you treat your baby, but it has been a week now of just sittng in my room in soil and darkness, and now my plant is about 2 inches out of the dirt, should i move it...
  18. M

    how do mid grade seeds end up looking after plant is grown?

    hey i just put 4 mid seeds in soil, after germination process, they all broke open and got the tails, now im just kindof wondering if you end up getting that good cronic scent or your going to get that low grade mid smell from growing with the low grade seeds or is there always a chance it will...