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  1. V

    Ripping my Iolite Vaporizer

    Just did a fast dry and then filled the chamber with the dry material. No go, no vapor just hot air. Put some of the stuff in my VB vape and got good strong hits. How tightly do you pack the bowl of the iolite?
  2. V

    Ripping my Iolite Vaporizer

    I will quick dry some of my stash later tonight. Hope it works!
  3. V

    Ripping my Iolite Vaporizer

    I tried warming it up for over an hour last night, still only warm air. My stash is a little green, but it should work ok in a vaporizer(right?). My Vapor Brothers vape gives me good, big hits from the same stash. I was hoping that the iolite would produce a similar experience. What else can i...
  4. V

    Ripping my Iolite Vaporizer

    Hi everyone. I purchased my IOLite yesterday. So far I have not had a good experience with it. I do not get a real hit of vapor, just a thin almost non-existent trace of what must be vapor. I have tried grinding the plant material up fine and lightly packing it vapor, just warm air. I...
  5. V

    is it best to hold newly harvested seeds for a period

    of time before they are sprouted? thanks, vaporman
  6. V

    using the microwave to dry buds

    i did not realize that there are different forms of thc. i thought that thc degraded to cbn was responsible for different highs(as well as different harvest timing). what happens during the decarboxylation process that could increase thc into a more potent form?
  7. V

    using the microwave to dry buds

    i ran out of bud and even shake. can't buy an oz. for a while(everyone seems to be out or drying).
  8. V

    using the microwave to dry buds

    i just put a couple small buds on top of my vaporizer. my oven seems to be to hot.
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    using the microwave to dry buds

    wow, thanks for the info. no more microwave for me. I did not realize that THC needed to be "activated" by drying and curing. why is this?
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    using the microwave to dry buds

    how else can i quick dry my weed? i know that i should not, but this is an exception. I need dry bud now.
  11. V

    using the microwave to dry buds

    does this decrease potency? i notice that the center of the bud gets really hot, steaming actually. also, is mold killed by the microwave? Thanks for the replies.
  12. V

    Fox Farms and Perlite

    I think stagnate water is a problem I am experiencing. I will try adding perlte to the soil mix.
  13. V

    Fox Farms and Perlite

    Thanks for the replies. I understand now that Perlite is not needed.
  14. V

    Fox Farms and Perlite

    I live in a very humid area. Been using Black Gold, but the media compacts and does not drain well. I will be using FF soil and would like to know how much perlite I should add to the soil. Thanks, VM
  15. V

    Vapor hit

    And here I am, holding my breath as long as possible! I hope there is no health issues that I have to worry about.
  16. V

    Vapor hit

    How long should I hold in a hit? Being vapor I would think it is OK to hold it in as long as possible? VM
  17. V

    Holding it in

    I have seen dvd's on MJ in which the smoker inhales and immediately exhales. Is it bad to hold the smoke in for awhile? I always thought that holding it in gives you the maximum stone for you bud. VM
  18. V

    nitrogen needed?

    Will the yellowing leaves return to green after I give them a dose of high nitrogen ferts? Thanks, VM
  19. V

    General yellowing of plants

    And here I thought Black Magic was the bomb! Next planting I will try Fox Farms potting mix. Any ideas about the general yellowing of the plants? I am leaving for town and will pickup a bottle of Cal-Mag to try later.
  20. V

    General yellowing of plants

    Ok, I will stop watering until the pots feel light. But what is causing the plant to yellow? Is this related to the overwatering?