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  1. H

    Stealth outdoor grow

    Did you start from seed? if so. When? Do you plan on LST, topping, or fimming her this late into the season? (13.5 hrs daylight & dropping currently in my region) Also what is your soil mix/feeding plans? I ask because I have a 3.5 wk old plant hiding on my roof atm, she looks to be about...
  2. H

    Late plants/ Big yield

    socaljoe You should be fine if you read my thread w/ pics; I vegged on 24/0 [half sun/half t5] for a full week (for better root establishment) before I throw em outdside, I'm in socal ATM as well, we are clocking about 13.5hrs daylight this month I recommend 24/0 if anything, till they're at...
  3. H

    Late plants/ Big yield

    Here she is! this pic is from today 8/7 Topped her 4 days ago and she is VERY happy, very noticeable pungent stench coming from new growth sites. Feeding her homemade compost tea 2x a week
  4. H

    Late plants/ Big yield

    Greetings!! I'm in the exact same boat as you. I started my crop of Headband from seed on 7/19 Once they sprouted I gave them 24/0 (10hrs sunlight/14hrs T5) light schedule for 1 week. Amazing reresults Then I threw the babies outside in 5 gallon containers w/ a super soil mix + well aged...
  5. H

    Late start from seed SOCAL-- Headband grow w/ pics

    8/7 Noticeable growth && fim development just in one day! NEW growth is getting stinkier too :hump: She's getting a RIDICULOUS amount of uninterrupted sun (~12ish) && temps out here have been just absolutely PERFECT the past 2 weeks 82F day 68F night ~30-45% avg RH got about 2 more...
  6. H

    Late start from seed SOCAL-- Headband grow w/ pics

    Hmmm.. 6-8th nodes ay?! :blsmoke: I'd say 1.5-2 more weeks then (daylight hours around here will be around >13hrs 15mins by then!) ALSO I fimmed this plant 4 days ago, I'm hoping MY timing wasn't too early. I wanted to do all I can to increase bud-sites before daylight drops below 13hrs She's...
  7. H

    Late start from seed SOCAL-- Headband grow w/ pics

    HELLO RIU -a little background- I bought an oz. of (B+)Headband at my local dispensary. Whilst smoking through it, grinding it --what have you-- I noticed there was one un-touched FAT FROSTY un-broken NUG :mrgreen:; about ~7 inch cola It was the only bud in the whole oz. that had seeds in...