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  1. A

    SSRI and Marijuana

    Hey everyone. I'm currently on an SSRI for depression called Cipralex. The stuff is awesome and works great. It's changed my whole life. Anyway, I used to enjoy smoking weed but now things are shitty... Before taking the medication I could smoke weed and have a great time without having a panic...
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    Vote NDP Canadians!

    I'm seriously pissed off at the Canadians who voted Conservative, but even more so at those who voted Liberal! If you idiots had voted NDP, the NDP would have had a majority! I wish I could say I'm surprised at the outcome of the election, but honestly I'm not. The majority of the Canadian...
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    Best High Experience

    Simply write your best high experience. Let's all share and see who has the best one! Mine is pretty lame I'll admit but it was still a lot of fun. It was one of the first times I got high (can't remember if it was the first or not haha). I was watching Metalocalypse (did I spell that...
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    I'm going to shut this badboy down. It's sad all of you extremists couldn't keep it in your pants...
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    Vote NDP Canadians!

    ' I felt the same way. Now that NDP is beating the liberals, and I've always liked Layton, I'm voting NDP. Raise your voice for change brah! Haha.
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    Vote NDP Canadians!

    We've had enough of the lies! We want marijuana legalized and we want a responsible government! Jack Layton is just behind Harper with Liberals at the last! If you want your vote to count, you want your freedom, and you want a true democracy, help Canada destroy Harper and vote NDP! Young...
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    So true! How would I know though? I mean it's not like both of my parents are veterinarians at the university here... Oh wait, yes they are. Haha. Not joking either.
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    50% markup normal? You're dreaming man! I used to work at the source and it wasn't uncommon for lower priced items to have markup of 400%. No joke. I could look at the markup on their computer systems. By the way, keep up the informative and insightful posts. I really enjoy reading them!
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Also, let me just ad that this thread was never about pot dealers being greedy! If you think they're so greedy then shut up and grow your own ganga! It's not a picnic to grow this stuff! It requires a lot of time and attention! Jeeze some of you are so damn immature. Tell me, what do you think...
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Well now, didn't this thread get out of hand fast! Jeeze Guys, calm down! If you're searching on a marijuana forum and somebody mentions a way to pay your bills and not get thrown in prison for a victim-less crime you'd think you'd be grateful! For those of you defending my position, I thank...
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    You all seem to be confused... I'm not saying that dealing is good and you should do it. I'm saying that for the people who need money to pay bills, etc. This is how they can do it in a way where nobody gets hurt. Don't take me for a drug dealer. I'm just giving some advice for people looking to...
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    How to Sell and Not Get Caught

    Alright, I know there are more threads on this than one can count but most of them suck. People get caught for selling weed for two main reasons: 1) They tell a bunch of people that they're growing/selling and 2) The get careless and underestimate their enemy (the policia haha). Anyway, I just...
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    How Canadians Can Legalize Marijuana?

    I was thinking about voting NDP but I haven't seen what they plan to do with the budget... Also, the fact is that most of the people on here probably don't want marijuana legalized because then there'd be no black market for them to make money to pay their bills. Shitty but true...
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    How Canadians Can Legalize Marijuana?

    Yeah! That guy is, for lack of a better couple of words, a fucking ignorant prick.
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    How Canadians Can Legalize Marijuana?

    Yeah it's so true. The US has it's fist up Canada's ass. Basically the US controls the fucking world through it's massive influence. The war on marijuana isn't a war on drugs, it's a war on resources and business. Corporations are assholes and as long as the monetary system exists, dirty...
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    My First Grow! Critical Kali Mist and White Widow!

    Thanks! Hopefully I can get the stretch under control.
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    My First Grow! Critical Kali Mist and White Widow!

    Yeah that's what I just did! Thanks for saving me there! So they should start putting more energy into growing outwards now then?
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    My First Grow! Critical Kali Mist and White Widow!

    Yes. 80 watts of cfl.
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    My First Grow! Critical Kali Mist and White Widow!

    They're sativa though... Aren't they supposed to stretch? How can I stop stretching exactly? And yeah 80 watts of cfls. They'll be going outside in a few weeks when warmer weather comes.
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    My First Grow! Critical Kali Mist and White Widow!

    Hey everyone! Alright so I took the plunge and now I'm growing for the first time :D! I have to say I'm really surprised how this all happened. So, my dad is a hardcore gardener but I thought he'd be against me growing. Turns out he's excited about it! He's letting me use a starter kit in my...