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  1. dimebag87


    Hey guys. Ive got a easyryder auto and today i have found these little green seed type shaped green things. It doesnt make sense since it does'nt at all look like a hermie and it hasnt been pollinated with anything:-| Some of these seed type things had a singular hair protruding from them i...
  2. dimebag87

    Flush Or No Flush?Is It A Myth?

    Hahahaha yeh. Funny as though ;)
  3. dimebag87

    Flush Or No Flush?Is It A Myth?

    Cheers man :).Dude is that little quote/post thing you got there for real. It really has made me laugh :)
  4. dimebag87

    Flush Or No Flush?Is It A Myth?

    I think i would have a concern with synthetic nutrients, man made and whatever. You don't know what kind of shit they put in these things. Either way i don't think im going to flush it. It does seem a little bullshity to me ;)
  5. dimebag87

    Flush Or No Flush?Is It A Myth?

    Cheers for the response. I shouldnt of bothred posting this i think now, its been covered allot. I think it is a myth from what alot of people say and all testimonials are logical. I think il just let her use up whats left in the soil and then chop it :)Id suggest you take a read of some of it...
  6. dimebag87

    Flush Or No Flush?Is It A Myth?

    Hi! I am currently just about to complete my first successful grow and need to know what to do about flushing or not which ever the case may be. I have read that flushing is a myth and unnecessary and can be actually more harmful than good, especially for an organic grower like myself. I am...
  7. dimebag87

    How long until harvest!Any guess?

    Cool man. Will do. I think i want to definitley want to bring out the sativa quality of this strain. I hear some people say that its better to harvest a little earlier for a more "up" type smoke.
  8. dimebag87

    How long until harvest!Any guess?

    And some people say the trichs but some say hairs. How can i tell when to harvest with the trichs?A microscope?
  9. dimebag87

    How long until harvest!Any guess?

    Cheers guys. There is a few brown hairs cropping up now and then each day so i think shes on the way. To be honest there is a little more bud on her than it looks on the pics ;)
  10. dimebag87

    How long until harvest!Any guess?

    Thanks lot man :)
  11. dimebag87

    How long until harvest!Any guess?

    Hi guys!Just wondering since this is the first time ive grown, how far do you think my plants are from harvest. She's an easyryder autoflower by the way. Thanks alot
  12. dimebag87

    Stupidly clipped a bud of :(

    Cheers man.
  13. dimebag87

    Stupidly clipped a bud of :(

    Hey guys. I just clipped a bud of my lil easyryder. It was a waste of time and bud. Lesson learnt. I was wondering if there is anything i can do to help it recover. I used clean scissors so thers not much chance of infection to the plant. Cheers
  14. dimebag87

    Bud growth way to slow!!

    Even though its an autoflower?
  15. dimebag87

    Burnt by organic outdoor?

    Just as long as its sorted dude then its all good :)
  16. dimebag87

    Burnt by organic outdoor?

    It looks like a big PH fluctuation to me man or over feeding. DONT feed it anymore and Just flush it with your ph'd water. Then start again with your quarter strength feed when it perks up. Remember less is more with nutes.
  17. dimebag87

    Bud growth way to slow!!

    Thanks for the quick response guys. Well they showed pre flowers weeks ago. Its a long story but i got this little af mixed up as one of my other plants wich is just a regular strain but when it showed sex at about four weeks i realised. I got it under my light asap under 24 hour light and its...
  18. dimebag87

    Bud growth way to slow!!

    Hi guys. Its probably one that's been answered before but here it goes. I got an easyryder AF under a 150 cfl with reflector. It had been piling on growth until it pre flowered but now i see very little buddage, just a little and a lot of hairs still. Is it maybe time to increase my feed to...
  19. dimebag87

    Premature flowering

    Cheers man
  20. dimebag87

    Premature flowering

    Hi guys. I had a plant in my window hardening of ready to go outside but due to me forgetting to put it outside sooner combined with the low light levels it showed pre flowers at about 6 weeks:? It is now outside and still growing leaves and gaining a little height etc. Do you think given the...