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  1. dimebag87

    hi! please comment on my setup

    yeh i see what your saying.Again its another shit sketch but i hope its suffice. thanks alot man
  2. dimebag87

    Please check out my cfl grow box design

    cheers dyzel.yeh im using going to be using lowryders for my first attempt:)so if i go for 1 pc fan as exhaust and just a fresh air hole this should be cool.I will probly go for a small clip on fan in there anyway as iv heard its a good thing to have in there.
  3. dimebag87

    hi! please comment on my setup

    iv i posted in the wrong forum or something:(
  4. dimebag87

    Please check out my cfl grow box design

    Hi guys:eyesmoke:This is a design i have thought up for a small cabinet i have. Please comment on what you think could be made better or changed completly to improve growth of my plants yeild etc. I have posted a very crude picture of the layout so you get the jist of what im going for. I am...
  5. dimebag87

    hi! please comment on my setup

    Hi guys:eyesmoke:This is a design i have thought up for a small cabinet i have. Please comment on what you think could be made better or changed completly to improve growth of my plants yeild etc. I have posted a very crude picture of the layout so you get the jist of what im going for. I am...
  6. dimebag87

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Hi guys:)Im a noob grower and i just wanted to ask about bulbs and autoflowering strains. I am planning on trying a 300 w cfl for some lowryder 2.Will it be neccasary to change to a flowering bulb when said lowryder starts to show flowering? Thanx
  7. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    :)))))))) pisser
  8. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Thats crazy lol:)Thanx for the advidce dude.Deer isnt a problem for me here in the uk its things like cats n fox's.I will consider what you said about hair and ph.I think for my next attempts im gonna go for a indoor grow.Its off the subject but i am thinking about a big 300w cfl with a...
  9. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Thanks django
  10. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Yeh they are still small. I dont think its an n problem with the lowryder because there still should be nutes in the soil.Again any input towards the lowryder's condition is appreciated as think im gonna scrap the spontanica as they will probly turn male from the stress they have had over the...
  11. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Cheers for the advice mate.I thought the ph would quite possibly be a big problem. Is ph up more alkaline and ph down more acidic or the other way round?
  12. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Thanx cindysid!
  13. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Oh yeh and do you think it is the same problem with the lowryder?cheers
  14. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Thanks alot for the help dude. I know many people would mock as i am planing on trying diluted piss as a fertillizer lol. I have read good things about it as it is rich in N. What do you think?
  15. dimebag87

    Plant problems.Please help

    Hi.Please help.I am a noob grower and my plants are looking ill:cry: The seedling is a Lowryder no 2.It has been fine for a bit then i started to see this bright yellow colour on the new growth.Growth is stunted. No added nutes,I have it in John innes no 3. The other plants are spontanica.I...