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  1. staffy

    Best time for feeding??

    hi guys,i have four plants just starting the fourth week of flowering and are looking good,my 600 hps light is on from 9am to 9pm and i usually feed them about an hour after the light has gone on,is there a better time to feed them during lighting cycle to ensure best absorbtion of nutes??
  2. staffy

    Yellow leaves 2 weeks into flowering???

    are you sure thats correct about using your veg feed 2 weeks into flowering,im not experienced enough to argue the point but i done loads of research before i started and didnt read this info anywhere but if anybody else can confirm this il bear it in mind. ta
  3. staffy

    Yellow leaves 2 weeks into flowering???

    had a quick look at bottles but on the 2 part bloom feed there is no numbers but on the bud booster it says npk 0/3.6/6,do you know roughly what id be likely to pay for a dehumidifier?
  4. staffy

    Yellow leaves 2 weeks into flowering???

    yeah it does seem to be at the bottom of the plants,dont have a ph tester yet(its next on the shopping list) and im using green haze feed with hydroponics "buddy" booster,im also gonna have to look into a dehumidifier as its sitting at around 75% but temps bang at around 24-25,do u think ithis...
  5. staffy

    Yellow leaves 2 weeks into flowering???

    hello everybody,this is my first post and first grow,i currently have two plants both about 6ft tall and are looking good,one is northern lights and one is big bud and im just over 2 weeks into flowering period,my problem is i was wondering if its normal for quite a few of the leaves to start to...