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  1. J

    Best Greenhouse Controller Unit?

    I'm trying to decide between a few greenhouse controllers so I can take some of the effort out of environment control. What I've come down to are these: Xtreme Greenhouse Controller (XGC-1E) Sentinel CHHC-1 Day/Night Environmental Controller Green Air Products (MCC-1) MICROCLIMATE...
  2. J

    Need help with hydro issue - lots of details and pics

    If you're six weeks into veg and are only at 330ppm you are probably deficient. Browning edges on older growth, curling upwards, looks like a MG def to me. You said you were using RO water and I'm assuming you never reconstituted it with Cal/Mag. I'd try foliar feedings with an epsom salt...
  3. J

    Veg Week Three, Leaf issues. (pics)

    You're awesome Tom, thanks much. I'll read up on hydroton before I make the switch and update later this week.
  4. J

    Veg Week Three, Leaf issues. (pics)

    Advanced Nutrients 100% Organic line Iguana Juice Grow Sensizyme Grandma Enggy's F1 (Fulvic Acid) Tarantula Piranha I'm using them toned down 20% from the calculator suggestion as people say the calculator runs hot. I'll grab some CalMag, should I add some now or wait till my next flush...
  5. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    Probably going to start using hydroton then. I've been watering every three days and I think it might be causing some strange issues. Here's a link to my pseudo-journal, it's unrelated to this thread but if you'd have a look I'd really appreciate it. :neutral...
  6. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    I've been considering hydroton recently, especially for the larger plants. My rockwool cubes are staying wet for days and I don't think that's healthy for the plants. I read that it's hard to clean and can cause some pH issues? The plants in the back are fresh transplants from bad soil, they...
  7. J

    Veg Week Three, Leaf issues. (pics)

    No one? :neutral:
  8. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    24 hours I'd say, the PPP seeds are literally double the height of the Skunk #1 seeds that were planted at the same time and germed in the same box.
  9. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    As I said, these plants wont be going into soil; they'll be transplanted into 4" rockwool cubes for my ebb + flow tables. I can't think of a reasonable way to bury them up to the cotyledons. :-|
  10. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    Will do. Guess I'll order a few more seeds. :cuss:
  11. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    I put the seeds directly into rapid rooters, put those rapid rooters in a sealed zip lock bag and put that bag in a box that was duct taped shut.
  12. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    These wont be going into soil unfortunately, they're due to be transplanted into hydro. How can I cover/support some of that super long stem? Tom___420, Should I be germing under CFLs from the get go? These seeds basically popped overnight and stretched to their current length while in the dark.
  13. J

    Veg Week Three, Leaf issues. (pics)

    I'm currently in week three of my veg cycle and doing much better than week one and two. So far I've gotten my heat and watering under control and the plants are doing much better. My issue now is that a few of the leaves seem to be developing decay like brown spots unlike any I've seen. I...
  14. J

    Stretched Seedlings? (pics)

    I recently planted some seeds and overnight they basically exploded out of their rapid rooters. The Nirvana Pure Power Plant shot up alot faster than the Skunk #1. I've included a picture of when I pulled them out of the germination cabinet and about three hours later under my CFLS. They...
  15. J

    Rockwool, How wet is too wet?

    I was having some fairly seriously issues with my plants in rockwool, most of which could be attributed to over watering. I also was under the impression that rockwool couldn't be over watered (as per posts on this forum) and had my plants set to be watered every 3 hours for 15 minutes (8 times...
  16. J

    Leaves lukin sik??

    I believe there's a forum dedicated to plant problems.
  17. J

    Yellowing edges/Stunted growth? (Pics)

    Also, the picture of the last plant with the severely burned lower leaf is not indicative of general health. That leaf was drooping into the nutrient solution for a day or two where I couldn't see it.
  18. J

    Yellowing edges/Stunted growth? (Pics)

    Looks like my pictures didn't work in my last thread, here's an updated one. ------------------- The plants in question are being grown indoors, are watered every 3 hours for 15 minutes in Rockwool cubes. They are in early vegetative growth and sit about 2' away from a 1000w MH. This is six...
  19. J

    Yellowing edges/Brown spots and other issues. (56k Warning, Large Photos)

    I think I have a good idea of what's going on but I'd really appreciate an experts opinion. I just tested the pH today, high for hydroponics (6+) which I'm thinking is causing lockout. Also, was getting some yellowing I think may be associated with how far away the light was from the plant...