Search results

  1. woodsmaneh!

    Looking for a Coffee tasting/smelling strain.

    I just grew these out and boy talk about coffee smell, great price, super fast delivery and stelth....and Sannie is a great guy you can get hold off anytime K.O Kush F4 pre98 bubba kush X killa queen / herijuana
  2. woodsmaneh!

    Found a Baby Eagle

    They ignore me, but that lets me get right next to them. It took about a week for them to get use to me, they make quite a racket so I just kept going out to see them and was shining the light on them they just look away. I could reach out and touch them but I would be a little worried about the...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    Found a Baby Eagle

    I have more pix but having trouble loading right now.
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Found a Baby Eagle

    I named them Herman, Lilly and Eddy. They walk all over the yard and the dogs move real quick when they come there way, it's funny to big Pitts scared of the little owls.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Found a Baby Eagle

    Well done Dr Dolittle LOL, how's the wifes deer from last year? is that what your feeding to the birds rotflol.... I have 3 barred owles that live with me on 30 acres, they hang around in the summer and eat frogs out of my front pond, I can walk right up to them and they don't even care, were...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Second Grow and About to Buy Lightsand Magnetic or Digital Ballast ?

    So did you get your light set up? Are they replacing the broken bulb?
  7. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    Blue, I noticed you are using bleach to clean your stuff. Bleach does an OK job but leaves residue behind and will not kill all pathogens. I would recommend you use H2o2 for cleaning. H2o2 does cost more than bleach but does a better job. Here is some info on cleaning using H2o2. I use it for...
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    Arthritis is the easy way to get your licence as you don't need a specialest, your Dr can give you up to 5g a day = 25 plants. You have to discuss this with your Dr. as the recomenndation will come from him with supporting documentation. Best to find out now where he sits. I would bring in all...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    If I had to be stuck on a crowded subway I can't think of anyone else I would rather be pressed up against, I mean Face to Face talking, well smoking my single hitter.....together
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Just made some killer caremels

    Well that did not go well, made a big pot of fail, to much heat too soon = burnt rock. Must remember to go slow next time well I guess I'll make some cookies.....
  11. woodsmaneh!

    Help me- Help FDD

    I guess if the information is right he's in a whole load of trouble weapons charges, stolen weapons, growing in a school district (big no no, they know he was not selling to the kids, but he will pay the price anyway) sending weed out of state (FBI), stealing power. I think what happened is the...
  12. woodsmaneh!

    Help me- Help FDD just so you know whats going on in Cal.... Boy if the word conspearcy is in the charge 5 years and 240,000$ fine min. The FBI have a Safe Streets program they are breaking down doors with. This is just the start of his problems, they will seize his...
  13. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    The 40/60 Phenomena The 40/60 Phenomena are events observed during the indoor cultivation of flowering cannabis, and when using a strict 12 hour inductive photoperiod (aka 12/12). The events start with the first day of the inductive stage (12/12), and end on the day a mature crop is ready for...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Cleaning & Sterilizing Reusable Growing Media Aggregate media such as grow rocks, Geolite, Hydroton, etc. should be cleaned between crops to remove debris and roots that accumulated in the media. As well, any system parts that come in contact with nutrient solution, such as growing trays...
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Who can picture betty white smoking a fat ass blunt?

    ya yay ya too short
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Who can picture betty white smoking a fat ass blunt?

    I was thinking more like a big blunt 5 strong drinks than get nacked with her wrinkly old ass, get her to take her teeth out, I'm getting wood thinking about it.....
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Help me- Help FDD

    Boy I long for the good old days when everyone smoked pot or weed, now days it's Medical MJ and of course we don't sell it.......when we get caught we get all bent out of shape and hide behind the movement. There are lots of good people in jail for weed and there is going to be a lot more before...
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    I don't know about any memo from health Canada??? does not sound right to me. I do know that the Medical association sent out a letter to doctors a few years back warning them of the risk of signing. That is not the big issue with doctors, the issue is it's not main stream medicine in their...
  19. woodsmaneh!

    Help me- Help FDD

    I know if I owned the site I would be taking a good hard look at why revenues are dropping by 1/3 holy fuck, heads would roll if this were a real company. I guess looking at the drop to see if it goes hand in hand with the charging of the Mod's. Would be interesting to see.
  20. woodsmaneh!

    Just made some killer caremels

    Well, made the butter and refined it 3 times, now to make some carmels tonight......