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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Solving Marijuana Plan Leaf Curl/Cupping Problems OK rule number #1 when you see this happening is flush with 25% nutrients; use 2 to 3 times the pot size to do this. Flushing means lots of run-off. You use 25% because some elements are not mobile without other elements, so if you have a mag...
  2. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    AzaMax™ Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, and Nematicide AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted using patented extraction technology from Neem, a tree known for it’s innumerable...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    Worm castings

    If you read the information you would know what to do and probably know more about worm castings than 90% of the people on this board than you could help people out too. Spend some time reading good info and you will grow the best weed you ever smoked, or don't learning is up to you and maybe...
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Looking For Some Tricks To Lower RH

    PM is mold. High temps will kill it, science. Farmers and gardeners have been using milk since the beginning of time. Here is more info on milk Linda Chalker-Scott, Ph.D., Extension Urban Horticulturist and Associate Professor, Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Washington State...
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Looking For Some Tricks To Lower RH

    I run at 60 to 65 and have no PM issues, I have lots of air movement and that helps prevent PM. Don't waste your time on a burner, at the first signs of PM you can do a number of things, turn the heat up to 95 for 24 hr, will kill it or spray with 1 part milk and 9 parts water that will work...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Running co2 in sealed room but smell is an issue!

    He is using BBQ tanks not Co2 tanks to produce the Co2. So if there was a gas leak you would smell it. You are right you can't smell Co2 but you would burn your nose hairs if you tried sniffing the burner LOL
  7. woodsmaneh!

    Better than mollases?

    Pings don't make you a better golfer, but they do instill confidence in the user, and besides there a luxury item like a Rolex or Tag, but at the least speak to you commitment to the game. Yes I have a custom set of graphite's
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Better than mollases?

    Well it sure looks like snake oil but I would try it, they sure have all the right words in there, is it OMRI approved? If not move on and buy some Humic and Fulvoc Acid with some microbes from an on line source and add molasses at 1/2 tbs per gallon and enjoy. Here is a great book on the...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Believe I have Gnats 2 wks into flower 2 DJ BB, 8 Alaskan Haze. Any Thoughts?

    AzaMax™ Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, and Nematicide AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted using patented extraction technology from Neem, a tree known for it’s...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Nute Damage? insects? some body educated please shed some light

    when did cal-mag start killing bugs? I know it's great stuff but it does have limits. Something is eating your plants, you got to find them, slugs, snails, bugs, they come out at night so surprise them and have a look or get AzaMax™ Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, and Nematicide AzaMax...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    LST QUESTION...Please Help

    yup that's why the low stress part but not a big deal if it breaks just tape it back and in 5 days it will be hard as nails and happy, I snap all my plants that get to tall over to super crop them and they grow knuckles and keep going.
  12. woodsmaneh!

    Multi-generation cloning

    Novocain at 8 weeks, one more to go.
  13. woodsmaneh!

    Best way to adapt ducting to odd sizes

    Put a 4" round fish collar in the other pipe spread the metal tabs to center it and use spray foam to fill the gap, use window and door foam as it does not expand as much, ready to go in 3 minutes. Cut a wood collar insert and screw, insert 4" pipe. Any tin shop will make you one for 20$
  14. woodsmaneh!

    Running co2 in sealed room but smell is an issue!

    You would smell it but checking is good, put some soapy water on the connection and if it bubbles run for the hills.
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Running co2 in sealed room but smell is an issue!

    No that sounds right, I have a green house Co2 controller and monitor and I go through a tank every 6 to 8 days. The controller shuts off the Co2 when fans come on and cycles every 20 min on it's own to keep it at 1800ppm. I run high as the room size needs a little more to reach 1500 ppm in the...
  16. woodsmaneh!

    ***Hey guys! I have some questions about Curing/Drying Process.***

    Weed gets better as it ages up to about 8 months, but all the magic is in the curing. Drying and curing (when done right) have proved (In many studies) to have a major impact on taste and flavour, by breaking down chlorophylls and converting starches into sugars. Most attributes blamed on...
  17. woodsmaneh!

    ph meter electrode storage HELP NEEDED

    Plain tap water is best. Don't use anything like RO or distilled it's not good for them. ^^^^^ what he said lol
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Multi-generation cloning

    I have 8th generation mom's and I guess that says it all. A clone is just that an exact copy.
  19. woodsmaneh!

    When and how should i flush my plants

    don't flush just cut back your food by 50% and here is more on the subject of flushing and when to harvest... I put the summery first, It is also backed up by science links attached. Summary: Pre-harvest flushing puts the plant(s) under serious stress. The plant has to deal with nutrient...
  20. woodsmaneh!

    Topping into flowering

    I have been topping my plants for years and the ones I don't that get to big I just snap them over. So topping does work on most strains of Indica best, and is best done at least 10 days before flower(I give them 2 weeks min.). The 10 days gives the plant time to transfer energy to the lower...