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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    Fag hags LOL
  2. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    A lot of people say they can tell me how many to grow but not how big LOL, fact is they can, HC say's in the rules average plant yield is 40g. So I only keep the very best and toss the rest, nudge nudge wink wink PS You being from the rock is cool, I have had many a good time out there, " boy"...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    What are these yellow tips a sign of?? PICTURES

    Plants need a dark period to reset, 20/4 works but watch for stretch. yes too much, back off the food.
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Looking For Some Tricks To Lower RH

    Why would you want to lower it? I read all the posts, you don't have mold? Lowering your humidity at peak flower setting time is counter productive for you plant and you. Toss Co2 in there and your burning money too. The short of it is something called VPD (Vapor Pressure Deflect). Science...
  5. woodsmaneh!

    ph issues in flowering

    Maybe your nutrients are to weak? If your nutes are at 500ppm and two days later there at 350ppm you need to up your ppm! It works like this, change res set ppm at, say 600ppm ph 5.9 run for 24hrs, now if you ppm rise and ph drops nutes are too strong. If ppm drop and ph rises, nutes are too...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    What are these yellow tips a sign of?? PICTURES

    I think your nutrients are out of whack, when in doubt change it out "rule number 1" Move the light up another 8" to 12" from where it is now and feed only 25% of the recommended food to start, so mix up some new food at 25% and move the light up, that should sort it out. Keep you nutrients to...
  7. woodsmaneh!

    Upgraded the Sat system yesterday 14.4 g down

    So had a new system installed yesterday and I ran the primus speed test, 14.4 G now that's fast took minuets to download a movie. I hope they don't find a way to screw it up like the last Sat. system. Anyone have fast speeds, dam I can remember when 14,000 baud was fast LOL
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    Were all different, just like flowers and here are some from my garden to you xK :hug:, and my fav April :cool: Once I grew up as a man fags or lesbians whatever never bothered me. I have a few gay friends and a few I don't know about and don't care. I also like cracking jokes about them...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Miracle Grow Quick Start

    ^^^^^ don't feed for at least 3 to 4 weeks it's in the FF. Nothing wrong with MG just start at 25% what they say on the label and feed every other week, after 2 weeks increase to 50% every other watering, if your plant tips are not burning that go another 25% in 10 days and so on till you see...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Hash vs hash oil

    Ice hash, dry ice it is very easy to make hash and cleaner. Oil is great but takes to much messing around. BHO is still dangerous and so is any other extraction methods, just look it up on U tube, lots of fools burning down there parents kitchens. DRY Ice is easy to get, bring a cool when you...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    switching light schedule in middle of a grow

    Not a problem, just adjust your timer before the next lights on cycle and they will be fine. So your lights will be off for 24 hr which is fine in flower. I speak from lots of experiences with power outages from 35 min to 4 days, this happened every week up north, most times it was out for 4 to...
  12. woodsmaneh!

    big buds ph in hydro

    I used GH for years with good results, than switched to Botanacare Pro which I liked a lot. I'm in water now so I use Dutch Master Gold, there are a couple of others I would recommend, Canna and House and garden. The only adders I use are Big Bud and Overdrive, I suggest anyone growing in water...
  13. woodsmaneh!

    I'm having serious problems with worms/ caterpillars and mites please help

    AzaMax&#8482; Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, and Nematicide AzaMax is a natural product with a broad spectrum of pest control and broad plant applications. AzaMax is made from special Azadirachtin Technical extracted using patented extraction technology from Neem, a tree known for it&#8217;s...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    big buds ph in hydro

    Not sure what your asking here? Big Bud is easy to grow. Ph in water should be between 5.4 and 6.1, I found 5.9 is the sweet spot. Don't chase Ph pick a range and stick to it. I use the 5.4 to 6.1, if it goes outside of these numbers than I take action. As it sounds like your new at this here...
  15. woodsmaneh!

    humidity and temp..

    Your humidity is fine your lights on temp should be 75 to 80. Lights off low 70's, having temps of 65 slows growth. Put a 100w light bulb in there for heat, a real one not a floro.
  16. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    ON is home, will be a while before it's phased in but still sucks. You get more time for 25 plants than a child molester WTF
  17. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    2 small ones they cost 40$ each from the pet shop. they are running four 12" stones
  18. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    I add some food but that's all I do, tons of bubbles and the stalkes are submerged in the water.