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  1. C

    day 19 cfl closet grow some lovely girls

    In the closed closet the temps were getting too high. Above 90 degrees. Now I put in a small oscillating fan and crack the door a bit and the temp stays at a nice 75 degrees. I have ordered an AC 80 mm cooling fan which should get here Friday. I will cut a circular hole in the closet door put...
  2. C

    day 19 cfl closet grow some lovely girls

    Am using 20 23 watt (100w equiv) 6500 k bulbs. Here is a pic of the setup. Best Wishes CD
  3. C

    day 19 cfl closet grow some lovely girls

    This is 19 days after my first plant popped the soil. Had a scare for a few days. I was getting really bad dead leaves on many of my plants. It was either really hard water with low Mg and high Ph which I corrected with epsom salts and MirAcid. I might have also over fed them with superthrive...
  4. C

    Hello World

    I just poked my head above the dirt yesterday.
  5. C

    Where can I buy activated charcoal

    Thanks for the info. Mine are enjoying their first day with their heads above the dirt. Best Wishes CD
  6. C

    Where can I buy activated charcoal

    Can actrivated charcoal be bought locally in bulk, like a pound or two or does it have to be ordered online. Thanks CD
  7. C

    my home made light hood

    Right now we are having record high temps here for this time of year. It will definately get much colder. Above closet is the attic, along one will is the hall, the other side is a plumbing space between the closet and outside. I will not heat the room where the closet is located. I can keep the...
  8. C

    my home made light hood

    I tested the lights last night and it got too hot. There is no way that I can vent out of the closet and I was hoping that the circulation fan would circulate the air enough to keep it within limits. The closet does have a high ceiling. I drilled a bunch of holes and it seems to be keeping...
  9. C

    Urgent help with $100,000 setup!

    (OUCH) I know very little about hydro growing but if I saw any plants that looked like the first thing I would think would be overwatering. (or something else which caused the roots to rot.) Best Wishes
  10. C

    my home made light hood

    I should get good veg with this. When I am ready t flower wally world has 23 watt 2700k bullbs for like 4 bucks for four. will be good to go. BTW, what do you all use to test humidity. Thanks, Best Wishes
  11. C

    my home made light hood

    This is my new homemade light hood on the cheap. Scrap lumber. I got the sockets from a light bar I found in a thrift store and more for 35 cents each at a army surplus store. Main expense was the lights, ten bucks for four 23 watt daylight buldbs, 6500k, 1600 lumens each, 20 bulbs. About 7 sq...
  12. C

    O No!!! More Males!!!

    Always gotta look carefully. Female plants can develop male flowers. If it is a good plant I would just pinch the male parts.
  13. C

    Confused about soil ingredients!

    You only need dolomite if the soil you are using is too acid. Test for Ph. Your soil should be well drained not too well drained.
  14. C

    how long to sex plants under 24 hr light

    I am new to growing indoors but have grown outdoors in Hawaii. I have a small closet and will use cfl lights. I will cover walls in tin foil and use plenty of light. I plan to keep lights on 24 hours during foliage stage. From experience growing outdoors the shorter photoperiod stimulated...