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  1. DeceivedPants28

    1st grow. about to flower. what soil??? please help

    Hey guys I'm about a month into my blue cheese grow. This is my 1st grow and they are doing pretty good I think. I'm about to switch to flowering and I need to know what soil is the best to use? I am going to use 3 gallon pots. I did a lot of reading so I know which soil would work but I want to...
  2. DeceivedPants28

    Ready to switch to flowering? PLEASE HELP

    Comments like that are ruining this site. Bring your BS somewhere else
  3. DeceivedPants28

    Ready to switch to flowering? PLEASE HELP

    Thanks man. Very helpful
  4. DeceivedPants28

    Ready to switch to flowering? PLEASE HELP

    It is bagseed. I am pretty sure its blue cheese strain.
  5. DeceivedPants28

    Ready to switch to flowering? PLEASE HELP

    Hey guys this is my first grow and I'm about a month in. I don't have a lot of room for this grow but I am buying a grow tent for my next one which I am starting immediately after harvesting this grow. Are these plants ready to switch to flower? They are 7-8 inches tall and about a month old. I...
  6. DeceivedPants28

    Transplanting my first Grow...

    That's good. There is nothing wrong with bagseed as long as you don't mind taking chances. I am growing 2 bagseed plants from blue cheese strain and they are both showing female characteristics. So sometimes you get lucky. Just fond a technique that works for you. There is no sure fire way to...
  7. DeceivedPants28

    Do these need transplanted? please help

    Ok. Does it hurt the plant pushing up against the sides of the pot?
  8. DeceivedPants28

    Transplanting my first Grow...

    For LED???
  9. DeceivedPants28

    Transplanting my first Grow...

    Especially with just bagseed. I wouldn't spend a fortune just for it to turn out to be male or low grade skunk
  10. DeceivedPants28

    Transplanting my first Grow...

    I like CFL's over LED. I know this is going to start a war but CFL's work just fine are are 10% the cost of LED. For just 1 plant and your first grow I would go with 2 5000-6500k CFL bulbs and use 2400k for flowering
  11. DeceivedPants28

    Transplanting my first Grow...

    Transplanted wayyyy too early. I'm 2 weeks into my grow and my plants are over the edges of my pot and I'm still waiting a little bit longer to transplant. The soil you started your seed in, if you chose the right kind, should provide nutrients for your seedlings for quite some time. And you...
  12. DeceivedPants28

    Do these need transplanted? please help

    My plants are 2 weeks old. They are starting to touch the edge of the pot they are in and losing color like they aren't getting enough nutrients from the soil. Do they need transplanted to a bigger pot?? If so what size and soil would be Best? This is my first grow. Also it looks as if one is...
  13. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    UPDATE: the taller plant is starting to lose color and the leaves droop when I spray them. I moved the lights to about 5 inches away and have a fan so I don't think its a temperature problem. Do they need fed? I can get fox farm but they are only 2 weeks old. Looks malnutritioned but I need a...
  14. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    In my eyes everyone has their own technique and whatever grows bud and gets you high is a winner to me
  15. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    Thank you flea. VERY helpful. Instead of arguing lol
  16. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    Thanks you guys. Very helpful. I have skimmed through the bible but never sat down and read through it all. Sorry if this makes no sense I'm faded lol
  17. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    Will they get the light needed at 6 inches???
  18. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    I did not know that thank you I won't water with lights on. I also moved both lights to about 4.5-5 in. Away
  19. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    I am watering with the lights on. Is that bad?
  20. DeceivedPants28

    My first grow. HELP. blue cheese strain. 4 days old

    UPDATE 12 days in. Are they looking good?