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  1. SOGmonsters

    Green House Seeds (color mix/match packets specifically)

    Check my thread on green house reviews
  2. SOGmonsters

    Green House: cheese, trainwreck, white widow, hawaiian snow, lemon skunk

    Your welcome Hobbes! High ranks added ;-)
  3. SOGmonsters

    Green House: cheese, trainwreck, white widow, hawaiian snow, lemon skunk

    This is my report on the strains from Green House. CHEESE: (Thumbs down) Growth: (0 of 10)very slow Yield: (0 of 10) almost unbelievably weak Bag appeal: (6 of 10) nothing to write home about High: (7 of 10) not bad but it doesnt make up for its short comings Comments: I grew these...
  4. SOGmonsters

    24 hour flush

    Soil, I was told to pull the plants up and wash the soil from the roots, then set the root ball in water.
  5. SOGmonsters

    24 hour flush

    I believe at one point some where along the way, someone had told me that if I needed to quickly flush my plants that I could soak the root ball in water and let it sit for 24 to 48 hours for a quick flush. Is this correct? Thanks
  6. SOGmonsters

    little white worms

    so I had a variety of seeds that were germinated in a glass of water for 24 hours, after that I planted the seeds in peat moss cubes and a few days later I had sprouts on all but 2. I opened the 2 cubes up and found little clear / white worms covering the seed / root stub. The one stub had been...
  7. SOGmonsters

    Growth Hormones?

    So I've been doing a little research on growth hormones but can’t seem to find much in relation to cannabis cultivation. I'm not sure if it’s just something not used for some specific reason? Or is it in the nutrients, but just not listed? I currently use fox farm Nutrients, would...
  8. SOGmonsters

    Pot cookies

    I'm taking a friend of the family whom suffers from cancer some cookies tonight. Though I'm having to take the bus / walk the street to get there. I dont have a med card nor does she. I'm under age and in california with 10 cookies, what kind of trouble would I be looking at if I were to get...
  9. SOGmonsters

    Am I being investigated?

    haha thats comforting :-P
  10. SOGmonsters

    Am I being investigated?

    Appreciate the responses guys. Yeah I'm always trying to stay on top of being the "friendly neighbor" type; with out over compensating of course, I wouldn’t want Mr. Rogers thinking that I'm trying to score with his wife :hump: Maintaining a calm collected and courteous attitude seems to be...
  11. SOGmonsters

    Am I being investigated?

    I wasnt driving, I had no ID
  12. SOGmonsters

    Am I being investigated?

    yes I do, and lets just say i'm under 100 but I dont think thats the limit lol. I'll take note of that, but at this point theres not much else I can do, I mean do I trash my entire crop from something that may or may not hold substance?
  13. SOGmonsters

    Caught Sending Weed through Fed Ex

    I've never had an issue, but normally I use the local post office
  14. SOGmonsters

    Am I being investigated?

    Yeah I mean if I'm not being investigated then I'm not really worried about it, probably better not to provoke anyone. I'm working on installing new security features around my house and neighborhood. Though I am curious to know if I have any rights when it comes to the disclosure of...
  15. SOGmonsters

    Am I being investigated?

    I was making a trip to Taco bell just around the corner during mid-day on my bike. Along the way I was stopped by a cop. He was accompanied by an older man who seemed to be clean cut but in plain clothing, collared shirt, tan slacks, etc I asked if I had done something His excuse for...
  16. SOGmonsters

    Sprays to Increase node production

    Worth buying? I hear about sensei spray but cant seem to find much information on it
  17. SOGmonsters

    LST - am I doing it right?

    Rad guys +rep anyone have anymore suggestions?
  18. SOGmonsters

    LST - am I doing it right?

    +rep and appreciation for some good insight :hump:
  19. SOGmonsters

    LST - am I doing it right?

    So I decided to use one of my cheese mothers to practice Low stress training on. She’s a little big but the stem seems limber enough. I need to get this growing method down ASAP so I can use in on my next boat of clones. I'm trying to wrap the plant along the outside of the pot, to eventually...
  20. SOGmonsters

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    so... this is going to be a little awkward I have never smoked weed before