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  1. Avon lee

    Indica or Sativa

    Looking like SATIVA
  2. Avon lee

    Indica or Sativa

    Im thinkin about transplanting soon. Wanted to change me soil. Unfortunately they don't carry brands like FOXFARM or HAPPYFROG. I've grown in Miracle grow organic soil b4 and despite the negative things I've read about it, my grow was great! My last grow was in Scotts organic soil and I must say...
  3. Avon lee

    Broke MAIN COLA! What should I do?

    Ok... As long as she keeps growing/flowering like she supposed to. I am adamant about completing this grow. She looks to.have a low yield but my main purpose is to complete the final stages,i.e. Cuttin,hanging,curing etc..... She is a very potent plant and the buds look great in my opinion but I...
  4. Avon lee

    Broke MAIN COLA! What should I do?

    The top bud is now on the floor!!! The main Cola BROKE OFF! There are 2 more directly under it that are unharmed as the rest of the plant is still intact! It look like someone took a sword and just sliced it right off onto the floor. Clean cut! I hope it doesn't die or go queer on me!!!! I am...
  5. Avon lee

    Broke MAIN COLA! What should I do?

    The fixture cut the plant... Not the screw. Lol
  6. Avon lee

    Broke MAIN COLA! What should I do?

    Just came back from Lowes buying 3 more 100 watt cfl's and decided to move my grow to the closet for more room. Got the lights set up to kinda hover over the top because I have the other 3 cfl's along the sides And as soon as I go to move one of plants over...BAMM!!!!! The screw holding up...
  7. Avon lee

    Indica or Sativa

    Well they're supposed to be indica! (og & purp) but they kinda look like the same strand! I planted the seeds(without germinating) and they both sprouted the next day. They are only about 5 days old but in my opinion The growth has been fast! I've had mostly SATIVA seeds throughout my grows...
  8. Avon lee


    Thats primarily the answers I was lookin for happy! Thanx
  9. Avon lee

    Indica or Sativa

  10. Avon lee


    Well I appreciate all the help! As I've said, this is my first time flowering so there are alot of things I am still learning. As far whether it is SATIVA,INDICA OR A HYBRID I am unsure. The 2 seeds were givin to me and I was told they we're Kush seeds but upon growing and reading I learned that...
  11. Avon lee


  12. Avon lee


    Im just ASSuming, due to the size of the growth after 5 Weeks! I was also wondering why the hairs at the top are NO LONGER WHITE!?!? The bottom hairs are still white. Its mainly the top 3 nodes or bud sites are brown/amber! She doesn't appear to be a hermi The tempature gets low at night The...
  13. Avon lee


    Temp is usually around 50-60 degrees. Lighting is 2, 100 watt cfl over the top and 1,60 watt cfl on the sides I only ask this question because all the white hairs on the Top buds have all browned with fewer trichomes than the lower ones. The calxy appear to be swelling one the top one also. The...
  14. Avon lee


    Here she is! 5 Weeks into flowering and although this is my first time FLOWERING, I am somewhat DISAPPOINTED! I suppose she is a SATIVA plant, due to the height,spaced apart nodes and long finger-like fan leaves. However... At 5 Weeks I expected more BUD GROWTH! I have a few questions I...
  15. Avon lee

    Are my plants flowering too slow???

    I only put her on VEG for 30 days(24hrs) Only planted 2 and both were females This is my first time flowering so I maybe a little anxious. Trichomes are starting to form. I no longer mist They drink water faster
  16. Avon lee

    Are my plants flowering too slow???

    A buddy of mine just brought ne 3 HERMIE plants. He told me he has been flowering for 40 days. We took one of the indica plants... Cut the leaves and hung it up to dry. Should I do the same with the rest of These tall,low yielding,hermies or let them continue to flower??? This is my first...
  17. Avon lee

    Are my plants flowering too slow???

    Any tips????
  18. Avon lee

    Are my plants flowering too slow???

    Here are more pix! I would also like to know is it too late to transplant? Would transplanting into different soil medium, harm the I am 14 days into flowering
  19. Avon lee

    Are my plants flowering too slow???

    Anybody got a clue?
  20. Avon lee

    Are my plants flowering too slow???

    Yes I am using 6500k cfl's. I was just wondering if her growth was a little slow. Another question I had was about the yield... Is there anyway to tell by the height and nodes, how much it will yield? May be an asinine question but like I said.... Its my first time flowering! Very curious!