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  1. M

    mutated growth on seedling? pics

    This seedling from bag seed has some strange growth going on I think, the 2nd set of serrated leaves one was tiny and now its long and thin nowhere near the other leaf... Its hard to see in the pictures but in the centre of the plant there are 4-5 tiny leaves growing...
  2. M

    are these chemicals safe to have in water?

    Ive found some bottled water which is about the right PH (6.2) to use. However it lists the following chemicals as being present: mg/L calcium: 10.0 magnesium: 2.5 sodium: 9.0 Potassium: 2.0 Bicarbonate: 25.0 Chloride: 12.0 Sulphate: 10.0 Nitrate: 11.0 Would it be ok to use this...
  3. M

    easiest/cheapest way to get decent water?

    Ok thanks for the suggestions, I think im going to see how easily I can produce distilled water then adjust the PH of that depending on the outcome.
  4. M

    easiest/cheapest way to get decent water?

    Surely though tap water has to have had the harmful chems removed due to health and safety restrictions, rain water hasnt had this privilege. Yes plants grow outside but I dont just want mine to grow, I want them to thrive :)
  5. M

    easiest/cheapest way to get decent water?

    Surely living in a city the rain water would be full of crap?
  6. M

    easiest/cheapest way to get decent water?

    Its about 8.0-8.5, ive been letting it stand for a few days and using malt vinegar to lower it to 6.5 before watering. (i only have seedlings atm if that matters)
  7. M

    easiest/cheapest way to get decent water?

    hello my fellow herbal botanists! After some research ive discovered its quite important with a soil grow to get clean water to feed with. At the moment im restricted to bottled water. Im out of work and need a decent home solution, what can you recommend? Cheers
  8. M

    first sprouts, one is having difficulty.. (pics)

    Ok, thanks for the comments and advice :)
  9. M

    first sprouts, one is having difficulty.. (pics)

    Is it easy to add perlite to the soil its in? Or shall I just add it to the pots theyr going to be in when I first transplant?
  10. M

    first sprouts, one is having difficulty.. (pics)

    I accidently my first seed too deep, when it came to the top it still had the seed casing on it, so I removed it gently (didnt damage the plant). Its progress is nothing like its sibling... Also what does the healthier one look like to you? Is it doing well? They were potted from germinated...
  11. M

    vinegar ph adjusted water for germination

    The plants I watered it with are doing well, so I think im going to go ahead and use it.
  12. M

    vinegar ph adjusted water for germination

    Hello again, I am germinating my 2nd batch of seeds soon, I have learned since my first batch that my water supply is very alkaline (8.0-8.5) so I have made some ph adjust water (6.5) using vinegar... Would I be safe using this to germinate seeds with? Cheers
  13. M

    sprout still has seed on it!

    If I was to buy some hydroponic ph down would it work with soil?
  14. M

    sprout still has seed on it!

    Yeah 8 is high, im going to try and find some stuff to buy to sort it. The soil is some high quality stuff I bought from a home depot store not sure exactly, what should I be looking for on the bag?
  15. M

    sprout still has seed on it!

    Hi, its my first grow using 2 seeds at the moment (got more in the post coming). I germinated both seeds in tissue, the one which still has the seed on germinated alot faster than the second, though the second already has serrated leaves and is doing well. It has popped out of the soil but...
  16. M

    this is for everyone

    Havent fucked up my first grow quite yet, PH level of soil is a bit iffy though so who knows :P
  17. M

    first grow, co2/ventilation questions

    Im currently using a 250w CFl (6700K) 8U bulb, but im planning on adding more shortly. Might go for a lower temp (2700) and add them in for flowering. Got my first sprout today, serrated leaves within 6 hours :O Only issue I have at the moment now is that my PH is a bit high, I thinkit needs...
  18. M

    soil grow seedlings, clear pot OK?

    Ive buried the small clear pots in a larger pot of the same soil, this will make it easy to transplant coz the soil will be the same and the hole will be perfect size :)
  19. M

    soil grow seedlings, clear pot OK?

    I have moved my germinated seeds into small clear pots to first grow in, I read that clear pots allow you to monitor root growth and know when to repot, however I have also read that you dont want light getting to the roots... what are your thoughts on this matter? Cheers
  20. M

    Hey, thanks man :) I love this place already :D.

    Hey, thanks man :) I love this place already :D.