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  1. H

    Cloning Issue

    brown like slimy brown ?
  2. H

    Cloning Issue

    There is no need to recut them. Clones can take up to 3 weeks to root. The most important thing about cuttings is having a top notch mother. Some plant are easier cloned others not. So don't despair if cuttings take longer. Just provide them with a good environment warm and high humidity...
  3. H

    Is this a Hermie?

    So far i can't see any pollen sacks.
  4. H

    Seedlings are are hurt :(

    They look very good so far. I wouldn't give them any fertilizer and no enzymes for the next weeks. The spots don't look like a defiency to me. Nevertheless it could be a defiency. Monitor how it develops. Since the spots only seem to occur on single leaves it also could be a disease. Sometimes...
  5. H

    Seedling problems; help! (pics included)

    Plants stretch in order to reach a light source. The light of CFL and LED lights does not penetrate as deep as hps/ndl bulbs. To avoid stretch you have to put them very close to your plants.
  6. H

    Having huge plant problems!!! Need help

    At first i suggest you make yourself a growbox or buy a tent. Or any other free space where you can control temperature and humidity. The temperature stress then the cutting of the leaves and then not knowing if your feeding them right or wrong. This is TOO much for young plants! You have to...
  7. H

    Mother Plant

    That's the way to go!
  8. H

    problem..What growing experts can say?

    Yes i would say so! In hydroponics the ph is the most important aspect. Because the right ph of the water makes nutrients available to the roots whereas the wrong ph locks out nutrients. Roots cannot use the nutrients which causes salt buildup and this leads to several other problems. So get...
  9. H

    Seedling problems; help! (pics included)

    405 ppm is to much for such a small plant. Feed it with 300ppm. Burned leaftips indicate overfertilizing. A humidity of 20% is far to low! Minimum humidity should be 40%
  10. H

    problem..What growing experts can say?

    hydroponics without ph meter is suicide! Get it as soon as possible!
  11. H

    Mother Plant

    what pot size do you use for a 8 months old plant ?
  12. H

    whats rong with these?

    A possibility would be a lock out of nutrients due to improper ph level. Mainly nitrogen seems to be locked out but also other nutrient defiencys start to develop. Another problem could be overfertilizing. What's your ph/ec ? You also should cover up the rwcubes they are full of algee.
  13. H

    Calcium/magnesium deficiency???????

    Yes use tap water. Everything between 6.5ph - 7.5ph is fine for soil as the following picture shows.
  14. H

    Calcium/magnesium deficiency???????

    Don't make yourself crazy bawse103. This plant is 20 days old and potted in fresh soil as you stated in another thread. So just stop fertilizing if you already do it and water with tab water and watch how the plant does after this treatment. Also heat issues can be recognized due to rising edges...
  15. H

    Losing leaves at quick rate due to multiple things, please help

    Does the yelloing only occur to fan leaves ? The dead leaves indicate that they fell off naturally. In flowering stage the plant sucks out all energy from fanleaves to to provide for bud growth. So as the flowering stage goes on more leaves will turn yellow. During the last weeks of flowering...
  16. H

    Deficiency? Temp? Ph? Whats the issue here?

    There's nothing to be confused about. the mg you added locked out the calzium intake of your plant. This means even though you added cal... the mg abundance has a stronger impact. Do you understand now?
  17. H

    Slow Yelling of Leaves... Taking Over Entire Garden... Ahhhhh Yellow Yellow GO AWAY

    IMHO there is no sign of nitrogen abundancy. On the contrary. The pictures show a nitrogen defiency. The fan leaves are totally yellow the only left green spots are close to the buds. This means the plant sucks all the nitrogen out of the leaves to provide energy for budgrowth. In the final...
  18. H

    help it looks like theres a oil slick on one of my leaves

    You have to take pictures. Otherwise people can't help you properly.
  19. H

    New User looking for help

    no there is no cause for concern. The shape of the leaves is determined by it genetics. So there is nothing you can do about it. If you want a plant to develop beautiful leaves you have to keep stress to a minimum - from start to end - don't overfertilize and so on. Stress can cause problems...