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  1. H

    Yellow leaves

    I.e someone grows two times a year and buys more soil than he needs for the first grow. instead of buying new soil this person takes the old soil and uses it for his next grow to save money. Of course this is a bad idea because the soil dries out completly after months. But some people do it.
  2. H

    New User looking for help

    Just for your information: Indicas take about 7-8 weeks and sativas up to 11 weeks. The first two weeks of flowering activate the flowering hormones. The 3rd and 4th week is where the hairs and little buds develop. But the real growth comes withing the last weeks of flowering. So far your...
  3. H

    Yellow leaves

    I mean the opposite of old soil ;D Your plant is a few weeks old i guess. Did u buy your soil shortly before you planted this plant ? If so you planted your plant in fresh soil. fresh soil as in new soil.
  4. H

    P Def?!

    That the whole point! The leaves turn purple to signalize that they want be green again :D
  5. H

    Losing leaves at quick rate due to multiple things, please help

    Without pictures no one can tell you.
  6. H

    Yellow leaves

    Your plant has a dark colour. This means there is more than enough nitrogen available. I assume this is fresh soil? If so stop feeding nutrients for a week or two and look how the plant develops. Fresh soil is full of nutrients. So save your money and let the soil do the work. I also wouldn't...
  7. H

    Potassium deficiency?

    Yeah the second picture is a lot better! I suggest you wait and see how it develops. It's to early to tell exactly what defiency this is. Here's an example of pottassium defiency:
  8. H

    What is wrong with this plant?

    I totally agree with Mcwhippin420! Your Plant is totally healthy. Don't worry to much. On the one hand there are things you can do for your plant but on the other hand the plant is bound to her genetics. That means even if you treat your plant in the best possible way there can still be genetic...
  9. H

    Potassium deficiency?

    Unfortunatly the picture doesn't reveal it clearly. You should take another picture of it where the macro is focused on the leaves not the stones. Still this picture shows only the beginning of a defiency so it cannot be clearly classified yet. Could be several things.
  10. H

    Droopy Seedling

    what kind of soil is that?
  11. H

    P Def?!

    Definetly a Phosphorus defiency! But i don't think there's a nitrogen defiency. Not yet. But it may come in the next weeks so i would monitor this as well. At first i would deal with the phosphorus.
  12. H

    Deficiency? Temp? Ph? Whats the issue here?

    This looks like a calzium defiency. You shouldn't have added cal/mg extra. Remember it's always better to underfertilize then to overfertilize. You should flush it with distilled water and stop fertilizing completly. After that you should use plain tab water. If your lucky she recovers after a...
  13. H

    clones grow like zigzag

    Thx for the replies! So this seems to be a normal development. Nevertheless there is a reason why i bother this kind of growth. I have some clones that grow exactly the way the mother ( from seed / This mother was already sexually matured ) does. they grow like a seed plant. The zigzag clones...
  14. H

    clones grow like zigzag

    I have a problem. All my seed plants grow uniformly but allmost all my clones after transplant from 1 liter pot to 11liter pot start to grow unevenly. Like a zig zag. I don't know the reason. Maybe someone knows the cause of this problem and can help me out with this case. I've drawn a sketch to...
  15. H

    experiences with green light during flowering at night

    I'd really like to know if this works :-)
  16. H

    2 plants in one pot filled with soil - male removal

    I was almost going to ask :D I appreciate your courtesy!
  17. H

    what should i use? Cannazym or hesi Supervit? Growing medium soil

    No one ? Come on there must be someone who can give me advice :D