Search results

  1. woodsmaneh!

    Sannies Indica Mix M/F Ratios

    I have grown out about 5 of Sannies strains and they are what he says they are. I bought these 1 x Anesthesia was OK, did not keep 1 x Double Koosh I like this plant and it smells great and the smoke is very good. 1 x jackberry F3 Options: Package: 10 seeds Day smoke for sure, real...
  2. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    What do you expect from a city that brags you can do what you want here, no problem. In a manner of speaking...I always had fun and enjoyed the place but anymore than 3 days is too much for me. In all the times I went there I only met 2 locals, one a hooker and one a married woman, her husband...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    There IS a god, And HE likes me!

    Power to the people, slay the dragons, hope you beat them.
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    Some info and what's in most molasses. 1/2 tsb is fine for feeding the microbe army.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Quantitative Airstone Test. an end to the hype

    You could not be more wrong. ^^^^^^^^
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Quantitative Airstone Test. an end to the hype

    The smaller the air bubble, the more slowly it will rise, giving it more time to dissolve in the water. A large 20mm bubble has a volume of 4.19 cm3, and a surface area of 12.6 cm2. You could make 260 small 3mm bubbles from the large bubble. They wouldhave a total surface area of 83.6 cm2. This...
  7. woodsmaneh!

    How Awesome is Montreal?

    All the great bars are on Crescent St. St.Catherine street is the main street downtown. Great nightlife.Last call is 3:00am but there are lots of places to go after 3:00am. Drinking age is 18. Have fun dude The best Strip Joints in NA and you have to take in St. Catherine street, it starts...
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Watch what you say on here!!!!

    well lets see how he does on the meter not so good
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    Well when a guy says that it's 1 your ugly 2 he knows he don't stand a chance 3 or he's drunk 4 just being nice LOL 5 too old ROTFLOL (just for you Matt & April)
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Second Grow and About to Buy Lightsand Magnetic or Digital Ballast ?

    we all start somewhere and as long as were moving forward that's good. Reminds me of a conversation about burning wood, we were splitting wood and one of the guys says he never burns pine as it garbage, and one guy say's I burn pine all the time. The other guy say's why is junk, he say's that's...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    This is where I go to get my stuff. Will give you an idea of what to look for and the site has a ton of good information. Real nice people too. I found them by google about 6 years ago and it took some serious searching, they are not close to me but he will meet me 1/2 way when he comes into the...
  12. woodsmaneh!

    I just Googled my User Name....

    I like the dating site
  13. woodsmaneh!

    Is Anyone Following me?

    Yes but posting a question in your journal may not get you a fast answer or even an answer at all, that's why you posted here, right, to get some answers? and guess what you got some.
  14. woodsmaneh!

    Second Grow and About to Buy Lightsand Magnetic or Digital Ballast ?

    I get them from
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Second Grow and About to Buy Lightsand Magnetic or Digital Ballast ?

    600w 3x3ft three feet high 4 max 1000w 4x4 four to five feet high
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Second Grow and About to Buy Lightsand Magnetic or Digital Ballast ?

    I buy what I want for my growing needs and I have some 1000w mag's that are 12 years old and still run. More on that in a bit. I jumped on the digi band wagon about 5 years ago and had issues with them, blowing cheap bulbs, won't restart when the power goes off and just not working and...
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Lighting question

    One of the things that I do to reduce the stress is feed them veg nutrients for the first week of flower.
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Looks like brown polka dots

    Can you post a pix? Without more info, what I advise people to do is flush the plant with 25% recommended basic nutrients, no additives! Make sure your pH is 6.5 to 7.0 before you pour it in! Get to it lad... get a magnifying glass or something like a loop from radio shack x30 is the...
  19. woodsmaneh!

    watering question

    Rockwool gets saturated easy and that restricts the ability of the plant to get lots of oxygen, I have round that the best way is to put the pump on a timer and run the drippers for say 30 min every 4 hours when lights are on and none when lights are out.
  20. woodsmaneh!

    pH Question

    This is what it did for me. 1000w in dirt