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  1. woodsmaneh!

    pH Question

    Wait a few days.
  2. woodsmaneh!

    Botanicare Nutrients??

    Used the stuff for years, but found there were some elements that needed boosting so I always used Cal-Mag at 1/2 recommended every second watering. If your plants get deep dark green after a few weeks cut back to every third watering. You use the Big Bud for weeks 2 to 4, it's high in P & K and...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    pH Question

    You can decide where you want your pH. you want to be in the sweet spot without chasing pH. as you can see from the chart on the right if your at 6.1 you have locked out P, Ca and Mg. not the best for your ladies. Your sweet spot is shown so as long as your in the range leave it alone. Here...
  4. woodsmaneh!

    lighting / seedling question?

    Right on the money, yup you got it dude. Lights give off heat so make sure the light is not close enough to heat the top of the plant. Good luck.
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Nirvana Short Rider and Bomb Seeds Big Bomb Grow Journal

    Don't water so much, let the top of the soil dry out, too much water drowns the roots. Watering less often will make the roots grow and drive to the bottom, which is what you want at first. You should not be feeding them anything yet. Get more light and make sure when you hang it it is secure...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    Nirvana Short Rider and Bomb Seeds Big Bomb Grow Journal

    You can always use more light, but if this is all you got great. T5's are great for veging and growing I have seen many small grows that make the big guys look like punks. More light = more $$ = more yield What do you have planned for flower and how big a space?
  7. woodsmaneh!

    Is Anyone Following me?

    Your better off just posting a thread in the right section and let her fly, to tell you the truth I never look for question in journals. I may have looked at 1 or 2 in the last 4 years. As your asking here I will have a look.....
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    Here is a list of organic elements you can use in your garden, I get them from a local Organic feed mill and they mix me what I want. The ones in Bold are what I use.:lol: Organic growers use soil amend*ments to improve soil fertility and create a healthy habitat for soil life. Many of the...
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Organic growers use soil amend*ments to improve soil fertility and create a healthy habitat for soil life. Many of the nutrients and minerals in the amendments are insoluble and are slowly released. The gradual release is similar to natural nutrient cycles and leads to healthy crops with little...
  10. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Municipal water supplies Many indoor gardeners are reliant on municipal water supplies and have fewother options for a better quality water source. It’s likely that some plantlosses have and do occur as a result of some municipal water supplies,particularly in sensitive species and in water...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    RESEARCH: HYDROPONICS Nutrient Management in Recirculating Hydroponic Culture Bruce Bugbee Presented at the South Pacific Soil-less Culture Conference Feb 11, 2003 in Palmerston North, New Zealand PAGE TOPICS: (CLICK ON TOPIC BELOW TO JUMP TO DISCUSSION) INTRODUCTION MANAGING...
  12. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Introduction In preparation for writing this paper, I read the related papers from previous HSA proceedings. I am impressed by the amount of useful information. The annual meeting and proceedings of HSA have become an important source of technical information on the hydroponic culture of...
  13. woodsmaneh!

    Help me- Help FDD

    He may need money for a defence but you can bet his oldlady will need money to eat and pay bills, it's been almost 3 weeks she needs money now. His nights will be better if he know's she's OK.
  14. woodsmaneh!

    An American in Canadia- A True Story

    In 1983 me a buddy rode our bikes across the USA, every where we went we had a great time, except Vagas, spent the night with a married lady and next morning when leaving on the bikes her hubby walks around the corner and starts shooting, rode the hell out of there real fast. Even the cops who...
  15. woodsmaneh!

    very first grow

    Very nice job, the one plant looks rude LOL. Just shows you what can be done with MG.
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    I use RO water for my Hydro and well water for my dirt so I don't need to deal with the issue. Most of the people I advise live in the city so they need to deal with it and the drops make it easy and cheap. There are some other ways to deal with it and here is some info. Beer and bong time...
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Who is the Best Breeder to get Quality Seeds?

    Sannie is very cool and very easy to reach check out his site
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Who is the Best Breeder to get Quality Seeds?

    You should see the pile I toss out every year, "O" well that's the way you find great smoke, you pay your money and you take your chance. But if you just want a real easy grow and killer smoke buy the best NL#5 you can, 75% of the seeds out there trace they linage back to NL#5 in one way or...
  19. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    OK just one more, don't want to show you everything I have on the first night, I'm not like that, he say's with a grin and a wink sorry to lazy to post all the pics that go with it. I get my Fungi and Microbe Armies here :lol: Mycorrhizal...
  20. woodsmaneh!

    Grandma's Growing Again

    The worm castings you buy from the shops has all been screened and is just the poop, but all you need to do is find a place that rases worms and go direct to the source for them and ask for un-screened castings. That way you get the worm cocoons, eggs!!! so when you top dress you also plant worm...