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  1. MegaBudz97

    Male plants.... are they useless???

    Female stems and leaves still dont have enough THC to make a good batch?
  2. MegaBudz97

    Male plants.... are they useless???

    All the bud i harvest will be smoked, but i can still use the stems, leaves, and trim from the FEMALE plant to make good potent budder right?
  3. MegaBudz97

    Male plants.... are they useless???

    Ok, so ive heard u can and u cant, but i wanna ask one more time to see if its worth my time to try it. Can i use male plants to make budder?? ive watched a couple youtube vids of people taking their male's leaves and stems and chopping it all up really fine, then putting it in a crock pot with...
  4. MegaBudz97

    Few questions about budder, and what i can use to make it

    Thanks for the feedback... can tell this is gonna be tougher for me than i thought...... :-|
  5. MegaBudz97

    Few questions about budder, and what i can use to make it

    I currently have a 12/12 from seed indica at around 3 weeks from sprout and not showing sex yet, i was told nows typically the time i will see sex, either way male or female, i want to make brownies out of the stems and leaves left over after harvest, if it turns out to be male, should i wait...
  6. MegaBudz97

    Nute Burn?

    Pretty sure just nute burn, fed it back to back in the last two waterings, but it seemed okay for the first two days after the second feeding, and now i see BURN! gotten progressively worse over the last 3 days so i just flushed 10 min ago, should this fix the problem? or do i need to flush more...
  7. MegaBudz97

    Topped right?

    Thanks for feedback!!
  8. MegaBudz97

    Topped right?

    Lol thats awesome!! if u look really closely at the side view pic of the "v" there looks like theres a shoot on each side against the leaf stems but the new shoots dont grow on that side do they? and yep time WILL tell but im too damn anxious to see what happens lol
  9. MegaBudz97

    Topped right?

    Im doing a 12/12 from seed with an indica bagseed, and i topped after its first week, the new shoot was too small to pinch at the time so i used scissors, and it ended up kid of mangling the the top instead of having a nice even cut where the new shoots would have been, will this affect my 2 new...
  10. MegaBudz97

    Tramadol AN 627 Pill.. Will It get me Going?

    of course u dont get high off em if your on them everyday, and its a synthetic opiate anyways, u get an okay buzz off three of the 50s but plan on sleeping for at least 14 hours.....
  11. MegaBudz97

    worst drug youve ever done

    tab 10's, or coke (even though it was shitty and i didnt feel much of anything really), but a fat joint and a couple of the old school adderall 20mgs will have u zoomin!
  12. MegaBudz97

    Want to do a micro grow, NEED HELP!!!!

    Damn, didnt know that, will deffinately try to get some deoderizers, so how long should i expect the entire grow seed to harvest to take? Im gonna put the plant in a pot about the size of 2 cups, and since im doing 12/12 all the way through, should i use 2700k lights from the start? Or a mix of...
  13. MegaBudz97

    Want to do a micro grow, NEED HELP!!!!

    Okay, thanks guys, yea im gonna use an indica bagseed from last year and its below average smoke so will that make it less strong with the smell? I would kill for some ona gel but i know its only available by ordering and cant exactly order it...... but if the smells not that bad anyway i may...
  14. MegaBudz97

    Want to do a micro grow, NEED HELP!!!!

    Well my outdoor sour diesel grow was busted by the local piggies this year only a month and a half into veg, and im REALLY wanting to finally get a damn grow under my belt and have researched many micro grow stealth techniques and one that i really like is the 12/12 from seed method, is it...
  15. MegaBudz97

    How quick can root rot happen?

    I have 5 outdoor plants all around 4-5 weeks old planted IN-GROUND at my guerilla spot, yesterday i watered JUST A LITTLE BIT To hold them off until it rained today, and ever since i watered, it has unexpectedly rained off and on WAY more than i thought it was suppose to and has kept the soil...
  16. MegaBudz97

    Why are my leaves doing this???

    Went ahead and planted it out anyway, its just a bagseed.
  17. MegaBudz97

    Why are my leaves doing this???

    I have an indoor plant roughly about 4 to 5 weeks old or so that ive topped two days ago, and want to put it outside today, but my older leaves are progressively getting more and more crispy until they fall off, and its spreading to the new leaves, this happenes with every one of my plants but...
  18. MegaBudz97

    Did I plant at the right depth?

    Nevermind, already got em replanted very nicely, thanks!
  19. MegaBudz97

    Did I plant at the right depth?

    Plants have been in the ground for about a week and a half, will i need to watch out for cutting through the roots when digging them up? I want to dig really far under them and grab the soil in a big handfull with the plant on top, and put more potting soil in under them then ease the plant back...
  20. MegaBudz97

    Did I plant at the right depth?

    Thinking back on planting day, i think i mighta planted too deep into my holes. I dug about 1 1/2 ft. Holes and filled the bottom of the holes with about 4 in of potting soil, put the 4 week old plant in, and filled in the rest of the hole with the soil, the outdoor soil where i live has a lot...