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  1. MegaBudz97

    Seedling question

    Is it normal for a seedlings first true set of leaves to get very crispy and brown around the edges and die by the time the 3rd true set comes in? Or does this mean a deficiency of some kind, my plant grows fast enough to have new leaves in time for the older lower ones to shrivel and die, ive...
  2. MegaBudz97

    Germination Method

  3. MegaBudz97

    Germination Method

    Yea my patience has really went to shit since the first germed seed never sprouted, but the seed i fucked with the razor a while ago somehow has a taproot coming out of it so im deffinately gonna plant it and leave it alone, can anyone answer the question about checking it often tho? ive been...
  4. MegaBudz97

    Germination Method

    Having a TERRIBLE time this year trying to have an indoor grow, last year every seed i tried to germinate popped within about a day (took a week for just one this year) or so and i would plant it and it would sprout about a day later, this year the seeds seem to just be lifeless, the one i did...
  5. MegaBudz97

    Whats gonna be the most efficient way?

    Alright, thanks
  6. MegaBudz97

    Whats gonna be the most efficient way?

    So my 3500k cool white basically wont make the plant grow? If not then all I really have left is the daylight fluoro 6500k for veg right now unless the red spectrum 2700k cfl's will work somewhat for veg, will they?
  7. MegaBudz97

    Will it sprout?

    Does touching the taproot with my fingers damage it? If i happened to bend the taproot while its in the soil will it kill the seed?
  8. MegaBudz97

    Whats gonna be the most efficient way?

    I have a T12 daylight 6500k fluoro tube, 4 cfls (one 3500k cool white) (three 2700k soft white) I struggle to find more cool whites for veg but this will have to do for right now, can anyone tell me the most efficient way to use these lights during veg my germinated seed will sprout above the...
  9. MegaBudz97

    Will it sprout?

    Thanks for the help, this is one of the more healthier seeds ive planted, hopefully it sprouts.
  10. MegaBudz97

    Will it sprout?

    Yea i was afraid i messed with it too much, i put a big plastic bag over the solo cup and use an incandescent bulb in one of my fixtures to get a lot of humidity in the bag and a lot of condensation forms in the bag so i hope i was doing right by this, hopefully by tomorrow i will see some...
  11. MegaBudz97

    Will it sprout?

    I have a nice indica bagseed germinated with a good taproot, so i plant it and give it its initial watering, after this i notice the soil has gone waay down in my solo cup so i thought i would just dig the seed up and put new soil in and move it to the top of the soil again, i did this very...
  12. MegaBudz97

    Odor Control

    So i can expect to get caught for sure with one plant in my upstairs walkin closet?? The grow box its self is an old 40 gal. fish tank that suits my growing needs pretty perfectly, this is where i got the idea to put the carbon filter sheets over the top of the tank (apologies for not mentioning...
  13. MegaBudz97

    Odor Control

    Im germinating my indica bagseed right now and want to know what to expect odor wise..... In my other grow the plant actually smelled a bit during veg, I had to throw all my work away on that grow because of security reasons other than the smell so i never made it very far. On this time around I...
  14. MegaBudz97

    Light Setup Help!

    Thanks for this, helped me a lot.
  15. MegaBudz97

    Light Setup Help!

    got both sockets hooked up and both work as they should, was just wondering if it was gonna be safe that way, no problems though, now i just gotta buy some cfl's, what is the name of the cfl that is of the blue spectrum? soft white maybe?
  16. MegaBudz97

    Light Setup Help!

    Picture on the left shows the two sockets and there switches, the one with black and white is the extra that would normally be ran off the main cord and socket. The picture on the right shows the wiring laid out as best I could and am still just wanting to know that this can be rehooked up...
  17. MegaBudz97

    Light Setup Help!

    Will have to repost when i get home...... works for me, bullshit!! Lol
  18. MegaBudz97

    Light Setup Help!

    I had intentions of buying a corded light socket for my upcoming grow, I have an old lamp that has two light sockets in it, one at the top of the lamp, and one that is spliced off of the main power cord to another socket on the side, both sockets have a ON/OFF switch, I took out all the sockets...
  19. MegaBudz97

    Sour Diesel

    I had a joint of sour diesel lastnight and had drank water as i normally would for cottonmouth and an hour later i noticed my voice was pretty much gone i didnt think much of it and went to sleep i woke this morning and my voice is still gone, anyone ever had this happen? Other than that the...
  20. MegaBudz97

    CFL Question

    I have a 2700K 23W (100W) equivalent CFL bulb that I have running off of a 60W output lamp socket, is this the reason for the CFL being as hot as an incandescant bulb or hot to the touch? It will heat up my grow space tremendously if I do not have my fan running at all times. My 20W fluorescent...