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  1. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    whats base nutes and micro? lol
  2. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    thanks for the helpful info brother truely appreciate it. can you put more than one nutrient in a jug and mix it with water for the feeding or do you have to make seperate jugs for each nutrient and additives
  3. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    hey TECDC911 hows it going brother? plants are doin good i think there about 4-5 inchs tall and the first leaves are starting to get bigger all 6 are healthy one never worked so threw it out! i came up with a few questions i hope u can answer in detail for me 1. my plants are 4 days old since i...
  4. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    is ppm important? and where can u get one? and is water with the right ph level just as good as distilled?
  5. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    what happens if you dont have a ppm reader???
  6. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    thanks for the info brother! my plants are only 3 inchs out of the soil so well see what happens there almost 48hrs old so just stick to some spray bottle watering for the next week or so see where its at
  7. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    this is my grow room set up 3 rooms in 1 cabinet! total demension of cabinet is 8 feet long by 6 feet high by 4 feet deep
  8. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    thanks for the info brother and the pics really appreciate it so when i see that i know when to start feeding bloom nutes, when do you start and end the feeding for veg nutes?? also have you ever heard of liquad karma? it is supposed to be used all the way through and u can use it as foilage...
  9. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    so when would you start the nutes and additives? whats daily in small ammounts yo you do u water till u see water come out on the botton or??
  10. JTT

    Noob's guide to gettin down with Auto's

    hey i wanted to ask you a few questions considering im quite new at this and you seem like you know what your doing. I put my seeds in the 60/40 mix of soil/perlite on 20 1/2 hrs lights on and 3 and half off. in 2 gallon maybe three gallon pots under 11000 watts of cfl in a 3x4x2.5' tall room...
  11. JTT

    Afghan Ryder Kush Grow journal

    see i didnt know they would get nice n big cause every body i hear talk bout em seems like they have a slow growth and dont get anywhere with em so i figured plant all 7and see where im at! and whats LSTing?? is that where u tie the branches down to the pot or when you trim the leaves that dont...
  12. JTT

    Afghan Ryder Kush Grow journal

    will be postin pictures within the next day or so. started seeds in cup of water 48 hours later transfered to pete moss pellets. for a night on a 19/5 cycle. next night put pucks in a 60/40 soil mix of soil/ perlite. 2 out of the 7 have broken the surface when all 7 do ill post more pictures...
  13. JTT

    Starting out!

    thanks brother appreciate it! im so worried they wont sprout!
  14. JTT

    Starting out!

    ok perfect thanks brother how long should it take to see the seed sprout out of my pete moss pellet
  15. JTT

    Starting out!

    ok whats a good temp and humidity level to grow at through out the grow
  16. JTT

    Starting out!

    sweet im happy there killer plants do you know alot about growing auto flowers this is my first grow? i just built my first room and i was wondering whats the best temp ranges and humidity? also i had them in water for 3 days does that mean there dead i just didnt know cause the tap root seemed...
  17. JTT

    Starting out!

    i got the three seperate rooms cause im goin tobe doing more than one strain and i only got the cloning room light and the veg room lights so far ill have enough money to buy the 1000 watt hps with lumateck digital ballst in 2 weeks but i figured get em started while i wait to get the light...
  18. JTT

    Starting out!

    so you cantstart em out under a lower bulb and move up to ure hps there done under hps lights the wholeway through?
  19. JTT

    Starting out!

    i purchased AFGHAN RYDER KUSH seeds. autoflowering not knowing what that meant im a newbie and this is my very first grow i built a good grow room its 8x6x4' and its devided up into a three room grow room for clones veg and flower. i started germinating my auto flower seeds in a cup of water...