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    Warning warning rhino seeds ripping ppl off

    rhino seed ripped me off. when i told people on forums i suddenly recieved response and was told they would resend package. that was 4 months ago and kelly will not respond to my emails. credit card details were stolen not long after i made the purchase. it was used to purchase stuff online...
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    hey rhinoseeds. you'll probably here alot from me. u ripped me off. plresase redeem urself and i...

    hey rhinoseeds. you'll probably here alot from me. u ripped me off. plresase redeem urself and i will spread the good word. tell kelly to get back to me.
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    is Rhino Seeds ( a good vendor?

    i did get the money back from the credit card fraud issue. i hope visa investigates and stings someones arse.(ass).
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    is Rhino Seeds ( a good vendor?

    rhino seed ripped me off. when i told people on forums i suddenly recieved response and was told they would resend package. that was 4 months ago and kelly will not respond to my emails. credit card details were stolen not long after i made the purchase. it was used to purchase stuff online in...
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    is Rhino Seeds ( a good vendor?

    I ordered seeds from rhino over three months ago and never recieved my shipment. Terrible things started happening on my credit card but i won't talk about that at this stage. I have sent several e-mails but rarely get a reply. Last reply i was told they would check the tracking number to...
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    Orderd from rhino seeds and got nothing

    I ordered seeds from rhino over three months ago and never recieved my shipment. Terrible things started happening on my credit card but i won't talk about that at this stage. I have sent several e-mails but rarely get a reply. Last reply i was told they would check the tracking number to...
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    rhino seeds did not come into texas

    I ordered seeds from rhino over three months ago and never recieved my shipment. Terrible things started happening on my credit card but i won't talk about that at this stage. I have sent several e-mails but rarely get a reply. Last reply i was told they would check the tracking number to see...
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    i will send reward to 1st person to definatively diagnose this.

    its not mites. no sign of bugs whatsoever. its not heat either. i live in the southern hemisphere so its winter at the moment. my room is as cool as i've ever had it. plants that are closer to the lights are unaffected. other than the mutation on a few, they are all very healthy.
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    i will send reward to 1st person to definatively diagnose this.

    hey. i've got a problem with a few of my plants and was hoping someone could diagnose it for me. i suffered root rot last grow. i sterilized and started over from seed. i'm growing in pots with perlite with a pump feeding them twice a day. i regularly check ph and nutes. temps are 15c-26c...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    hey ub. i've got a problem with a few of my plants and was hoping u could diagnose it for me. i suffered root rot last grow. i sterilized and started over from seed. i'm growing in pots with perlite with a pump feeding them twice a day. i regularly check ph and nutes. temps are 15c-26c...
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    Help! Budrot?

    check ur roots. looks like my root rot infested crop.
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    small thin leaves, small thin buds

    i checked my roots and found they were brown with some type of root rot. i used growool on my previous crop and while on holidays i let my pumps do the watering. i came back to find my plants drenched, yellow and wilting. i put it down to overwatering and vowed not to use growool again. although...
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    check out my root rot infested crop

    hey there. just thought i'd show u all my root rot infested crop. it had me stumped why my plants began dying. i posted a thread but no one could help me. i didn't think i could get root rot because i use perlite. then i realised i hadn't sterilised my pots from another crop when i used...
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    small thin leaves, small thin buds

    i feel my pots may be oversized or too hot. i've had to bud my plants a lot earlier this grow due to lack of smoke and therefore my plants are alot smaller and pots are exposed to more light (less shade) than usual. my nutes have been tried and proven in previous crops. watering is by pumping...
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    small thin leaves, small thin buds

    hey all. please help me. my plants always seem to have small thin leaves and produce small thin buds (smaller than i'd like). it is not caused by the strain for i have tried many. i have plenty of light(4 600w hps), my ph is good(around 5.8, nutes are good, heaps of ventilation and air flow. i...