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  1. M

    Node gap issue. Crazy stretch. Wtf.

    Damn, nice. What was your yield off that one? Some of my bud sites are less than 2 inches apart, only a couple stalks have big gaps. I appreciate the comment, I was looking for some opinions. I definitely don't feel so concerned about the spacing now. That gelato looks dank as hell, nice job.
  2. M

    Node gap issue. Crazy stretch. Wtf.

    Yeah man, massive stretch during the first week of flower just kinda caught me off guard. I think all is well, I just like other opinions. Especially since bud sites are 1 to 1.5 inches apart, I see no reason for concern. This is my first auto grow, so I'm attempting to do the best I can with a...
  3. M

    Node gap issue. Crazy stretch. Wtf.

    I don't think they're too far apart, but someone in another forum said my stretch won't allow for good sized buds. I was just trying to get some more opinions.
  4. M

    Node gap issue. Crazy stretch. Wtf.

    I'm using a 250w bloomspect LED. Light is 18 inches above the canopy. It didn't stretch much during veg, so I assumed this was just the flowering stretch. It's been in Flower for 10 days. I did some LST to keep the canopy even, but only a couple branches took off. Those 2 that stretched like...
  5. M

    Are these nodes/buds too far apart?

    Those pics on the bottom are the same plant that was stretching like crazy? I'm having that same problem. My plant went into flower recently and stretched like crazy. What was your yield on that on?
  6. M

    Node gap issue. Crazy stretch. Wtf.

    Not sure if my light has too much red light or not, or maybe the fox farms nutes made my auto go crazy, but something caused a massive stretch. This is my first auto grow, simple closet grow because my photos are outdoor, so I wanted to mess around since a buddy threw me a couple seeds. What...