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    The UK Growers Thread!

    My new T-shirt, cheers Adolf , ur an inspiration lol , I always said u were just an UNDER ACHIEVER msl ;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    like the original post on this Ic3, the mongol probs has no kids of her own, thats we she is barren and in a feckin hossy lol those kinda peeps always end up on their own , lying in her own shit n a burst nappy with a helper.. care in the community, its defo underrated Pmsl ur a leg-end , and...
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    handybladeless FAN with COOL function
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    SIlly B, the Ledg , how the feck r u bruv ? l;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    quote: yeah mate that'll be sound....your last sentence made no sense to me, i dont do geek speak...i understood your pc processor was gettin warm but thats it!! END FUCKIN QUOTE lol he is encoding video, makes ur puter use its brain too much, gets hot , overheats, but he is the Ic3...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    im off to watch a movie, I have a long day 2morro. cheers lads , had a laugh in here the day. will be sure to pop back in from time to time.. :) CUNTS !!
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    I been involved in the music scene for years, my nose can take a dunt,, is it THAT sore bill, cats piss sore ;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    i hear you brother ;) its about the only thing not tried over the years.. well apart from dead mans root or Ayahuasca...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    whats mcat hit like ?
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    no bruv, ur a phsychonaut, there is a diff, IM SURE ;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    go on the evostick lol
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    this cunt get busted or sumink ???
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    you might wake up with a knob hangin out you ,,,not from me brother, scared to try that poofy stuff,,,incase i liked it ;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    rohipnol or roofies ;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    after the luftansa heist, jimmy burk was tryin to kill every fucker that knew anything about it.. thats why he went out on his own. A man will do what a man has to do to protect his own... why unlucky/slippery slope sambo? Yeah I can wear many hats too billy boy ..;)
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    henry hill, got fucked over, was gonna get killed , turned queens, then fucked over the feds by carrying on in the same lifestyle. died an old guy, they NEVER got im !!
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    johhny two times, got the name as he says everything twice ,,goodfellas ;) supersillybilly- this cunt wanted me to be the godfather to his kids, 10,000 I charge.!!! quick edit : in my eyes billy, a cunt can be a term of endearment.. a good cunt ;) as long as its not a tricky or dodgy cunt ...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    well said !
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    been there bruv, tellem that your kid was about to play with a fire alarm or sumink and you were being a GOOD dad !!!
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    Gaztoths uk indoor multi strain grow

    like ??? east coast maYBE ;)