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  1. Imsohighnolie

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    I think the issue of flowering with the soils, and whether they still last to feed the flower stage still needs to be covered. This isn't dead yet!
  2. Imsohighnolie

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    Nirvana's Bubblelicious. I pulled it just under 7 weeks. It was all guesswork being the first time but they looked perfectly ready at that time. Smooth smoke and tasted more like bubblegum the longer it was cured. Dispensaries called it world class(as i'm told), but now I can't grow anything...
  3. Imsohighnolie

    A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

    I just discovered this thread today, and I'm doing the exact experiment. I am going to soil for the first time after some hydro/aero problems (although my first grow yielded 21 OZ with 5 plants.) I'm using the 2 month feed organic Miracle Grow, and FFOF Organic, doing mixes of 100-0, 75-25, and...
  4. Imsohighnolie

    Grafting Male to Female

    So I've been thinking, some of this mystery seed MUST be male. And if i were to have a father plant for future breeding, what the possibilities could be. The best I've thought of is grafting male onto female, planting 5 like this outside, and let nature take care of the rest. The one grafted...
  5. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    I actually got a DIY undercurrent DWC as my flower. And i got the answers i needed for once so im happy with my rudeness right now XD
  6. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    Yeah i would love to go to soil, my dad just kinda forces hydro because he denys all the problems and simple possibilities, even on this RO subject >< The tubing... Most of it was bought in a hydro shop so i'm not sure
  7. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    I actually foliar sprayed right as signs popped up, Ph has stayed a CONSTANT 6.2 since moving from cloner. Also with a RO system I'll need Cal-Mag to add on top of my base nutes, correct?
  8. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    Okay well my hunch was right, I need the RO unit. Thanks for confirming. I actually use Olivias cloning gel, but i never saw any real results with it, but i saw huge results with SuperThrive.
  9. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    From what i've read, if ppm goes up, lower ppm by 100, if it goes down 50 points, raise it 75. That was what Chimera posted at least. So is he wrong? should i raise nutes anyways?
  10. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    Forgot to mention, last nutrient change was just 4 days ago and these are the only 2 plants with a 10 gal rez.
  11. Imsohighnolie

    Just fucking help me.

    I'm pissed, i lost a cloner full of about to root clones this afternoon and have have deficiencies that just showed up in 24 hours. Heres the pics of the worst leaves. My tap water is at 200-225 ppm, so i used flora micro Hard Water at 400 PPM, it raised to 420-430 so i added more tap...
  12. Imsohighnolie

    rumors we heard before we started growing

    I thought it was up lacking, down too much. I found a bubbleponics post that said that and I actually found it semi true.
  13. Imsohighnolie

    Spidermites in 6th week of flower

    Okay man I've been in your situation and its killer. They ate the hell out of my plants >< I used Doctor Doom Spider mite knock out and the DR Doom Fogger, for when things took a turn for the worst. I also made a spray with 1/2 TSP of Neem Oil, and a few drops of dishsoap diluted into 1 liter...
  14. Imsohighnolie

    rumors we heard before we started growing

    I'm not sure if this is still myth or fact, but molasses increases bud weight by 30%. Now Molasses has worked wonders for my first 2 grows, but i don't think it was 30%....
  15. Imsohighnolie

    My Setup, will it work?

    After going through 3 crops, 2 very successful, and 1 epic failure, I think i have a 3 stage DIY System that should produce good buds. I just wanted some input, tips, and may make a journal. Right now i have 2 Botanicare Cloning buckets, 1 with a bubbler in it, and 1 with a small fogger...
  16. Imsohighnolie

    Need help in the ER, plants dying

    I posted this before but my plant recovered for a full 3 days after my post, and this morning its nearly dead and my other plant is going. heres the original Our indoor garden had a horrible case of spider mites, but we were able to salvage some plants and keep them healthy and move 3 of our...
  17. Imsohighnolie

    Continuous problems with everything. (HELP!)

    Our indoor garden had a horrible case of spider mites, but we were able to salvage some plants and keep them healthy and move 3 of our ATF into flower. Everything was going well until 2 weeks into flower. One plants started severely wilting down and its lower leaves started to yellow. I figured...
  18. Imsohighnolie

    Healthy yellow leaf tips?

    yeah i have several grow books with troubleshooting but couldn't find exactly what its like. Thanks though, i will search for it
  19. Imsohighnolie

    Healthy yellow leaf tips?

    I have Nirvana's White Castle in its 6th week of veg from seed. the plants look perfectly healthy, but the top of all 5 plants have yellow tips, except its not droopy like nutrient burn, but almost looks like its a part of the plant. Is it possible its something else? or is it just a mild...
  20. Imsohighnolie

    Leaves drying out from middle?

    I have 5, almost 4 week old Bubblicious plants. Last night one of them took a nosedive, its had dry spots and the other leaves were dried out. It basically wilted down, I gave it water, trimmed the leaves and today its doing fine. Now 2 other plants are doing the same thing, the leaves are...