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  1. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    growing experiment: vegging one of my plants using a wire frame and a 5050 RGB LED strip light.

    Just started a little experiment with a seedling thats a couple weeks old. I used a few wire coat hangers to build support arches around the exterior of the plant, then wrapped some LED strip lighting around the frame to be used at the sole lighting source. Im keeping the plant completely...
  2. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    First indoor grow

    the fan also can serve to make the environment a lot more inhospitable to flying pests and insects as well as strengthening the branches, allowing them to support more buds. in addition to that it helps bring in fresh co2 saturated air for the plants to use and pushes depleted air out. you can...
  3. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    First indoor grow

    a cheap digital temp and RH meter to keep in your grow room would be a great addition. i get amazing value for the price from mine. do you have anything circulating the air? a medium sized fan could help out quite a bit as well. you could pick up both for under $30 probably, less than a bottle...
  4. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Would COB flood lights work ?

    ive used pretty much every type of LED out there. those ones arent going to last you more than a week dont waste your time. dont believe? read some reviews, they are about 100% bad. plus they dont ground the lights power at all, making them kind of dangerous as well.
  5. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Seed or clone. Preferences?

    is there really a big enough risk that would go along with changing the light schedule to pay close attention to something like that?
  6. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Bad news for my Autoflower.

    ive heard this same story a few times. its a lot more likely your mom got a bit paranoid and decided to end your grow early. sneaky bitch.
  7. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    yeah that would be one of the few scenarios where they might nab you for diluting your sample. ive had to give samples at several different venues and so far none have called me on it. usually you can bank on the test administrator not knowing what to look for or just not giving a shit
  8. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    Please for the love of god i hope you read this before you try bringing in someone elses piss this would be so much easier...
  9. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Drug test tomorrow & using someone else urine, have some questions? Help!

    i can tell you exactly what you need to do as i had to pee clean monthly for several years. You simply need to consume enough H20 before the urine test to dilute your sample. A good rule of thumb is about a gallon of water about 45 minutes before the test. You will know you have achieved...
  10. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Yield for my setup?

    so, it being his first grow he should expect something similar? Misleading someone new to growing is pretty cool, man. how well you do your first time around is really going to be a product of how good of an understanding you have of the basics and a bit of luck. With your setup it wouldnt...
  11. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    My body smells

    its a lot more likely that its your clothes or you got sprayed by a skunk.
  12. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Should i be worried?

    first and foremost you're going to want to assess whether your room mates will be ok with it. Dont let any of them find out youre growing if you do proceed. overall id say its a tad bit risky though.
  13. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    CFL Grow Room Lighting

    These are the fixtures that ive come across: or even diy one like this: they seemed pretty...
  14. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    CFL Grow Room Lighting

    what do you think of the new LED fluoro fixture retrofits? viable alternative to T5 HO or no?
  15. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    New Indoor Grower: My Setup Ok?

    having a fan blowing on them is crucial for being able to get them where you want them without burns. also good way to strengthen the plants and get air flowing.
  16. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    New Indoor Grower: My Setup Ok?

    hes only working with 3sq ft of floor space its not completely ridiculous for him to attempt four... one square foot per plant with one gallon of potting seems to be the minimum acceptable specs for any worthwhile grow on this forum.
  17. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    help me decide

    Sorry, here's what I just moved to a 3'x3'....
  18. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    Found this HPS (street light?) & wired it up. Safety concern/cpl questions, plz help!!

    youll fit right in on Rollitup, where the HPS will be forever considered cutting-edge technology
  19. TootyMcButtsqueaks

    BUD WASHING- the truth

    i legitimately didnt know why you needed to so badly. you probably could get a decent DWC going using a dedicated toilet though...