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  1. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    A troll is a person who intentionally baits people into disagreeable situations in order to get an emotional response from them. It is very commonplace for trolls to make multiple accounts, however, because once everyone starts crying troll it becomes harder for the troll to invoke an emotional...
  2. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    No you're a troll! durrhurr this board has completely gone to shit.
  3. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    And you're apparently an idiot. But what's your point? I'm not trolling anyone anyway; just making comments about the nature of a troll. But flame on.
  4. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    A poor choice of words on my part... let's just say a troll loses his power when he is identified as such. Trolling is practically defined by false pretense. tl;dr: Obvious troll is obvious.
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    What is your first name in real life?

    That just means he succeeded. A good troll is an unnoticed troll.
  6. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    He's a troll. He's just fucking with you. Always.
  7. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    This place is troll central nowadays. Everyone's got alternates. It's because this site is poorly moderated, plain and simple. Asking the trolls on this site to stick to one identity is a fucking hilarious concept.
  8. D

    What is your first name in real life?

    ... I guess those people are idiots then, because that dude's name is Keifer Sutherland, not Keether Sutherlin... also, "Keifer" is a fucking cool name... tell me that Donald was not smoking some potent extracts when he named that boy...
  9. D

    And so it begins... again.

    LOL @ STONING. Seriously. That is not stoning. That is throwing pebbles. The implication of the headline is that the Christians were bludgeoned to death with big rocks in their own church. Hilariously misleading, overall.
  10. D

    Best movies on shrooms?

    You should check out Baraka too if you like P.E. and stuff like that.
  11. D

    Best movies on shrooms?

    No problem man, glad you took to that suggestion as it is definitely the best option. Makes me want to watch Baraka shroomin'...
  12. D

    This Slob loves bacon and

    You just call the cops and hope for the best. If it's your own store I can understand, but as an employee in a chain store, I would say fuck that rather than take on a 340 lb hippo over 80 dollars worth of meat.
  13. D

    This Slob loves bacon and

    Not that I condone her actions, but she was right about one thing, store employees really shouldn't chase down shoplifters because it really is dangerous.
  14. D

    Best movies on shrooms?

    I'm afraid of what inception would do to my mind on psychedelics... but The Fountain is a flawless masterpiece, and I would watch it in almost any state.
  15. D

    Best movies on shrooms?

    Or, if you want a serious mind fuck, I dare you to watch Enter The Void while shrooming. If you like anime, best tripping anime ever is Evangelion... I would watch the two movies; Evangelion: Death and Rebirth, followed by End Of Evangelion. Really, which way you go with it would depend on...
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    Best movies on shrooms?

    Baraka. Seriously. It's almost all visuals. Nothing to follow storyline wise. Just mind-blowing natural phenomena after mind-blowing natural phenomena, filmed around the world with an HD camera. It is THE tripping movie. You don't even have to pay attention consistently to enjoy it. But you...
  17. D

    What happened to the "Advanced Search" link that used to be under the search box?

    Click on "my profile" at the top, then "find latest posts" on the left side
  18. D

    What happened to the "Advanced Search" link that used to be under the search box?

    This site's search engine is useless anyway... just go to google and type " [search term]" you'll have much more accurate results.
  19. D

    Ha Ha: Ron Paul Quit - Obama vs. Romney POLL

    Witness the scathing intelligence of a one-trick pony.
  20. D

    Ha Ha: Ron Paul Quit - Obama vs. Romney POLL

    Durr hurr hurr