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  1. WelcomeToTheWest

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    I don't think Dawkins or Hitchens ever did. their intellect doesn't reflect that of Jeff Spicoli. I can see Hitchens being an alcoholic. Fry I can see smoking.
  2. WelcomeToTheWest

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    I've posted an introduction of myself. No, I do not smoke weed, but I am very supportive of the legalization. This should probably belong on another thread, but I will briefly address it here. I'm from Chicago, IL - a city that use to be one of the most corrupt cities in the U.S. during the...
  3. WelcomeToTheWest

    Hello Potheads

    My name is Adam I am an IT specialist. I'm on these forums because of a post put up by some kid on a divine creator. As for marijuana, I do not grow or smoke it. I don't like getting high myself. Science shows though that marijuana itself is the least harmful to put into your system. Less...
  4. WelcomeToTheWest

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    On that note I also want to say believing in a creator is a lot like living in a totalitarian state. If you don't believe in the father, you will be burned in a lake of fire. You follow what the father says. If you don't you will be tossed into the lake. Where is the freedom? We need to drop...
  5. WelcomeToTheWest

    Proof of the existence of an intelligent Creator and what His purpose of mankind is

    Hi! This was weird, but I was looking up Christopher Hitchen's videos on Google and this forum came up. I read what the original poster had said on “Prime Cause ex nihilo “ and contest that scientists need it in order to sustain that a “perfectly ordered universe.” I...