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  1. remraf


    1st pic..outdoor sour diesel...since 1st 5th week flower...2nd.Cheese 3rd week..5days..flower...and 4th same....sour diesel again....and new to me today AMS...6 outa 10 in pro gro under a 600hps dimmed to 300 ...
  2. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    epsome salts work for that
  3. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    19 days from start of 12/12
  4. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    i also have 6 monsters outdoors...medical licence but i run good strains i think...sour diesel,the purp,..and grow indoor is 15 ..10 ams and 5 church
  5. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    can I lollypop mine at 18 days into flower
  6. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    i also noticed your plants are clean on the this neccesary?I usually just strip the yellow or failing leaves
  7. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    awesome...tys for your input and u can be sure there will be 3 repti lights in there tomm also
  8. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    how do i add more uvb....and i can exaust heat to outside just don,t want to get too fancy until this trial run is over .....
  9. remraf

    adding a 600hps

    here,s the question...i have 4 cheese plants currently on day17 of flower...buds everywhere....they are under 1000 hps...i feed em dnf and big bud with a little black strap molasses....plants are doing awesome{will post pics later}...If I add a 600 hps to my room will it help increase yeild?or...
  10. remraf

    First med grow

    well first sign of a fingernail size flower...started with DNF Bloom A+B and some adnanced Big Bud
  11. remraf

    DNF for soil

    sorry about the light
  12. remraf

    DNF for soil

    need some advice on Dnf...I drove for 2 hours this am to buy nutes...this is what I ended up with...DNF 2 a parts and 2 b parts..gro and bloom...I am growing in soil,6by 6 by8...1000w hps...5th day of 12/12...girls are 34 days old from seed
  13. remraf


    well here they are on 4th day of 12/12..
  14. remraf


    and i,m sorry I can,t do pics until Sat. When I will be home on their light schedule....
  15. remraf


    Is there truth to a green cfl so i can work on them in the dark....
  16. remraf


    really i do have a good imagination....but ,,,I know my girls
  17. remraf


    1st night on 12 and 12 and see em everyday and i couldn,t believe the size diff in 24hrs..:}
  18. remraf


    kk...5:30 to 5;30.....wish me luck...for now they are in drakness as I type...muhaaaaa
  19. remraf


    1 more my 1000 hps enough or should i add my 600 is 6.5 by 6.5 by 8 high
  20. remraf


    lots of room at my for every acre there are 1oo whitetails....note the electric fence