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  1. Mary Francis

    Seeds have sprouted.... Now what? Help please :)

    Thanks everyone :D It is all good now. Boy, it's a lot different than growing outside. Outside is so so much simpler. Longer, but simpler :D Cheers! :)
  2. Mary Francis

    Seeds have sprouted.... Now what? Help please :)

    Well thankfully my friend popped around and now everything is fine. Thanks again for reading my post everyone :)
  3. Mary Francis

    auto flower....Bloom nutes?

    I have sprouted seeds. I need to get them into pots now with growool. Do I add the nutrient Grow or Bloom and at what strength please? Or do I just use water? Thanks
  4. Mary Francis

    Seeds have sprouted.... Now what? Help please :)

    Not using dirt Buddy :) Using Growool Thanks for the reply :)
  5. Mary Francis

    Seeds have sprouted.... Now what? Help please :)

    Hello everyone. Have growool, ... nutirents Grow and Bloom and other stuff as required and a small set up ready to go. Picture attached. A friend of ours said he would help, (he sold us the tent set up) but now I cannot get hold of him and our seeds that we had soaking in sensa soaker have...
  6. Mary Francis

    Heads full 'o seeds

    Those above are pics of a little bit that has been harvested from the same plant. Sorry the pictures are not great. Some have seeds and some don't. Have decided to harvest the lot. There is a crap load of resin on them, and as the smoke is apparently so good, that we may as well harvest the lot...
  7. Mary Francis

    Heads full 'o seeds

    Well we had a couple of males and thought we pulled them out in time, but perhaps not.I was checking twice every day for males. My partner says that this lot (in the pics above) is very good smoke already. He has been smoking every day since he was 16 and he is 65 now. So I think he knows...
  8. Mary Francis

    Heads full 'o seeds

    These are the plants :D
  9. Mary Francis

    Heads full 'o seeds

    Hello everyone. :) We grow a few plants outside in an aviary, which we obviously used to keep birds in. The plants this year have been excellent and best heads in years. BUT... There are more and more seeds in the heads. My partner, (he is the smoker, not me... I just love growing them and...
  10. Mary Francis

    Has anyone else noticed........

    Hehe the 'lil cutie :D What do you do with the leaves? I make butter out of them and make cookies. I believe they are pretty damned potent. Glad I won't find out... imagine the mess I would make HAHAHA Thank you for sharing for sharing the pic of Lil Bush :) Thanks also to you Calicocalyx. I...
  11. Mary Francis

    Has anyone else noticed........

    Ahhhhhh... now that is interesting. I have always discarded the lighter and white seeds. Next season I am going to experiment... Ooo I'm a little excited now. Thank you!!!! It will be interesting to see what my partner thinks. Lil Bush.... you GO girl :D
  12. Mary Francis

    Has anyone else noticed........

    Thanks :D I was hoping I was onto something there .... bumma!
  13. Mary Francis

    Has anyone else noticed........

    Yup... that goes without saying.... Apologies that I did not point out the obvious regarding sex of seeds. But still curious to see if the weaker seedlings/plants tend to be male.
  14. Mary Francis

    Has anyone else noticed........

    That 'weaker' seedlings/plants tend to become male? I do not use marijuana, it makes me sick. But the person I live with does. I love growing it from seed and nurturing the plants. The end result of seeing such beautiful heads and the smell that the plants produce, makes me smile. We do not...
  15. Mary Francis

    Trim before or after dried?

    Hi all :) We have been growing for four years now and we used to always trim wet, but this year we decided to dry out branches of the plant and then trim. It has worked out really well. We have always bought cheap scissors from the two dollar shops. They are fine. But what is great, is the fact...
  16. Mary Francis

    Please help and thank you :D

    Thank you all so much with your replies. I had a feeling it might be transplant shock and last year I did have them in the laundry for longer and it was, of course much more humid in there. Think I might try and put the stronger ones in there and plant a few more to replace the 'deader' ones...
  17. Mary Francis

    Please help and thank you :D

    Hello all. I am kind of new to growing. This is the second season for me. Last year when I transplanted my seedlings to pots, they were fine and grew to be wonderful plants. This time when I have transferred seedlings to pots - exactly one week ago - the middle of the seedlings on some of...