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  1. B

    My story.

    Hi folks my story about my ladies, So many posts i have seen on here do this do that nut burn blah blah, Well My girls are now 7th week in flower today, 3 weeks ago on youtube some arse did a video chop 80% leafs of to get the light to the flower, Well like a Dipstick I thought why not I can...
  2. B

    Blood fish & bone

    I have just started growing new bunch of ladies in my 8th week:hump: Looking good so far , I am using Big Bud and Blood fish & bone. Question for the growers here, Now Big bud phosphate p205 1% soluble potash k20 3% And blood fish & bone is Nitrogen 5% Phosphate p205 5% 2.2%P...
  3. B


    Okay thanks guys can I explain why I asked this flushing question! Last week I harvested my 4 ladies I didn't FLUSH, I'm not a smoker myself so have know idea what it would taste like. I hung them above my 100 watt light for 12 hours light and 12 hours dark for 4 days to dry. Two weeks...
  4. B


    Why do we need to flush before harvesting ? does it make the bud taste better ? Sorry asking Newbie here :)
  5. B

    When to harvest

    Well this is following on from last weeks pictures , and to me don't see any different at all! can you?
  6. B

    When to harvest

    Upload new pictures maybe can help me more ! All help very much welcome Thanks guys..
  7. B

    When to harvest

    This is one of 4 plants , I have never grown any before these was given me i was told they was 4 weeks old! And now I think i am on week 10 i am so confused when to cut them down? Pictures took no light , any advice please thank you.. Also am they savies or laxies? thanks..
  8. B

    9th week in

    Do they look okay at 9 weeks now today, Would it be okay to cut of those big shading leafs so my buds get better light!! Reason I ask during the weeks I have cut of a few leafs someone told me cut the shading leafs to get better bud!! is this true? I am now curious will it damage my...
  9. B

    My 9 week old buds Question

    My ladies seem to be doing okay apart from the odd yellow showing on leafs, i don't think any thing to be worried about..! My question Can I grow new plants from my ladies ? Are there any seeds some where on y plants? Don't call me silly I have not a clue lol thanks..
  10. B

    Newbie question

    Thanks mate, you know i am growing these and i don't smoke lol . just a little hobby see if i can grow them i prob will give them away when they am ready, i think i will get 4 ounce out them, someone said 4 plants a ounce per plant if i am lucky as im not growing in proper conditions oh well...
  11. B

    Newbie question

    Thanks for your replys Last night the soil was dry, so not added any feed only half litre of water . Tonight just put lamp on and soil was again dry so again put in water no feed. will it harm them not adding feed for a few days and just water instead! never put plain water before till...
  12. B

    Newbie question

    I have 4 ladies going never done anything like this before, they are now 7 weeks and in bloom, They am in 12" pots soil is tomato grow soil. Had the girls given me and the 400 watt lamp. I have lamp on 12 hours on and 12 hours off, I feed every night with a mix of 10mil pro XL too 2 litre...
  13. B

    Brown tip leaves showing 7th week

    Okay I am sorry wrong info given, my pots am 12 inch, Not 9" last night i watered no food. this morning got a right old smell of bud LOL for three days i will only water my ladies. let me tell you how I feed, I been using Bud-XL mixture 10ml to 2ltrs of water, I was feeding when I put my...
  14. B

    Brown tip leaves showing 7th week

    I will check in morning the soil as for what they am i had them given me believe to be AK.47s pots am 9" in size will do water every other day then shall i for 6 days? will that be any good!! thanks..
  15. B

    Brown tip leaves showing 7th week

    A flush does that mean repot them again? i always check the pots soil before watering they always seem dry to touch, but if your saying over watering dang i didnt know i was after all i only use half ltr food per plant per evening as light goes on 12 hours. if i have to repot them would that...
  16. B

    Brown tip leaves showing 7th week

    Thanks but i thought with light on at 9pm till 9am it wouldn't go soggy! i dont have a fan running or any vents either but just curious to why leaf as they am.. thanks
  17. B

    Brown tip leaves showing 7th week

    7th week in got a slight dead end on leaf. will this effect my buds? i am home growing 4 plants 1st time :) I am using a 400 watt lamp in a small room, I feed only at night every night 9pm. For the 4 i feed a 2ltr bottle between them all as you see they do look healthy apart from the odd...