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  1. S

    Fertilizer says apply daily for 6 days and water on 7th?

    What does this mean guys? Wouldnt I be overwatering if i fertilizer it everyday?
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    what is this on my leaves brown

    Yeah sure mate. Thanks for taking the time to reply
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    what is this on my leaves brown

    got some weird brown thing on my leaves guys, what is the problem?
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    Sup with my plant?

    I've also had this problem mate, peel that shit off slowly, and you'll be right. Also, what lights are you using? Cause when I had this problem I had one light on, but then I put in an extra light and my shit went nuts and grew flowers quick
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    1st grow with some pics and questions - 5 days into flowering

    Alright bro, will do mate! Thanks Elonj :)
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    1st grow with some pics and questions - 5 days into flowering

    Hey guys thanks for the information! I am currntly on no ferts/nutes at all but I plan on puttin some in. I just waiting for PH test kits to arrive I water them about every 4-5 days mate The smell is rather minty mmm hard to explain but i think it smells more of a plant smell but the plant...
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    Seedlings growing fast.. When do i transplant?

    Depends if you want large plants mate, small pot means small plant. Under 1000w MH transplant em into 5 gallon pot when you feel they drink too much water quickly. I'm still new so don't take my advice for an expert. When do you wanna flower? cause apparently vegetation is the time where they...
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    1st grow with some pics and questions - 5 days into flowering

    3x24w cfl 3000K PC case SEED: NEW YORK CITY DIESEL 5 days into flowering, started flowering at Day 15 20 days from seed Do my plants look healthy guys? As you can see there are some curling at the bottom leaves Its real bushy and got heaps of leaves at the bottom, im not sure why, and...
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    Effect of PH water on soil question

    Thanks a load mate for the insight and information. Here they are on the 28th of May, which is Day 12 of vegetation I fed them with full strength organic seaweed extract when it was like Day 8-9 and I started getting these problems Its a New York City Diesel These are my plants now at Day 19...
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    Effect of PH water on soil question

    Hey rollitup community! I just wanna ask because it's becoming more and more confusing for me the effect of PH in water and its effect on the soil/or in the soil So basically, when you water, if my water is at a PH of 8, and I water my plants (soil) then what effect will that have on the soil...
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    Ph problem

    "Note: Blood Meal, Dried Blood, Guanos, Kelp Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Peat Moss, Sulfur and fish meal are all acidic and can bring your ph down, so if you add these please monitor your ph when using those. Note: Bone Meal, Rock Phosphate, Wood Ashes pretty much all ashes, Shellfish Compost and...
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    Crispy, cupping real bad and twists/curls

    Thanks a load 'Nice ol Bud', shit that rreally helped mate. I think it's sorted then, most likely overfertilizing with such strength at a short period and overwatering. Peace!!!
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    Crispy, cupping real bad and twists/curls

    Shieet! good lookin out fellas! Much appreciated! Yeah I've flushed it, and also havn't been checkin out the PH of my rainwater, so I'll make sure I adjust that... Ye bro I'm tryna fix the problems asap so they don't go under too much stress :(
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    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    holy fuck! thats heaven right there...!!!!!!!
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    Rubbermaid CFL Buddha's Sister Scrimshaw grow.

    damnnnn dude this looks crazy good! keep us posted:weed:
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    Crispy, cupping real bad and twists/curls

    Recently started my pc grow, its about 12 days old now. I watered on the 3rd day, 6th day with Seaweed Seasol Organic Fert full power (Yes I fuckd up), 9th day and 11th day (Flushed it so see if it would help) Also - the height of the plant aint tall, I think this is a case of STUNTED GRowth...
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    Micro Bubbleponics Cab, 69w's of 2700k CFL's (re-started thread)

    Hey mate, hows the sound of it? does this make a lot of noise , cause I wanna also keep it stealth..
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    Direction of CFL's

    Thanks fellas! Was just wondering because I was confused because if I place it vertical, then would that particularly mean that I don't get much light as only the 'TIP' of the CFL is near the plant, or if I place it horizontally, the whole side of the CFL is close to the plant..
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    Direction of CFL's

    I just wanted to know which direction or angle CFL's should face to enable the most effective light for growing. I've drawn up a picture to show everyone an example of what I mean. PICTURE Picture 1 (LEFT) basically you have the CFL pointing downwards with...
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    CFL wattage and a lamp MAX Wattage

    Hi rollitup community! Like the title says, most lamps have a max wattage, for example 'MAX 60W' , does that mean I can add up to 60watt CFL in there? because the CFL's in Australia are like 5 times more equivalent to the incandescent, so, the 20watt's CFL (ACTUAL WATTAGE) is equivalent to...