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  1. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    heres a picture of how i will set up my drip system, i have a old small aquarium pump to pump the water to the drip lines, and i have a old air pump keeping the reservoir bubbly with fresh air.... I have the tubing i just need to get the fittings and the actual drippers. i will be putting 2...
  2. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    heres a vid took it with my bb so sorry for the shitty quality, and im not a camera man lmao. in the vid i tried to show the black out vents for the lights the power box is running my computer fans while i test them out, then i will wire in the true transformer. note how quiet the cab is...
  3. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    i uploaded pictures with the plexiglass in. unless i show you the edge of it, you cant tell its there... so i bet cuases zero light loss...
  4. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    so the cab is finished, I will install a lock later and still need to cover some of the light leaks but its done. tomorrow its coming into the apartment and it will be sitting for a while. since money is tight, ill just be using soil and a smart pot like bag. once i figure out the pot size and...
  5. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    thanks looks like your the only one who cares about this on here lol..... im almost ready to finish it all off.
  6. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    so another update: i wired up two fans to my transformer but found out the transformer is not working ... but they are wired in so i just have to change out the transformer... I didnt finish the carbon filter but i mounted the inside guts, i have a few more things to finish the filter but...
  7. niggle

    ontario grow. white widow

    so another update: i found a ride out so i gave the plant some more feed and water. the buds haven't grown a huge amount but i have noticed tons of amazing crystals, its living up to its name of white widow. i wish i could take macro pics in the dark or i would show some better bud porn pics....
  8. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    its been a while since i posted progress, so here are some new pictures, i attached the door with a raised panel that has panda paper on it. the raise panel comes out about a 1/2" and fits the grow space.the panel has a flap of panda paper that will cover the hinges , it will be glued down first...
  9. niggle

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    heres my white widow, more info in my grow thread
  10. niggle

    White widow growers post your outdoor pix

    Here is my white widow, its 9' tall and about 7' or more around. more info in my sig.
  11. niggle

    ontario grow. white widow

    I've had great success growing my plant in 4gal containers till its time to go out. I had my plants growing in a closet and then my balcony before they went out. I slowly lowered the light cycle and fought off Hermie's with dutch masters reverse. I might have had a 1lb harvest off 2 plants if...
  12. niggle

    Carport Greenhouse 2010

    I've been watching your grow, and it almost makes me wanna move from Canada to over there lmao.
  13. niggle

    outdoor jungle norcal 530 pics pics pics

    I love stem shots, your plants look like beasts...
  14. niggle

    New England In the House

    really? ur white widow is that much smaller? I grew mine for a while before the season but now its 9' tall. but I love the plants on the hill, they look mad healthy
  15. niggle

    ontario grow. white widow

    another update: :weed: So I went and looked at the plant this week, gave it the last dose of bloom fert, and another dose of molasses, zone, super thrive, koolbloom. I will give it more molasses and koolbloom but i will be ending the other ingredients the next watering. To control bud growth I...
  16. niggle

    Southern Ontario Backyard 3rd season Grow.

    lol makes me wish i had a real backyard...i had my plants on my balcony before a neighbor got angry lol... then it went out to the bush.... but dang i wish mine was that far into flowering :O
  17. niggle

    ontario grow. white widow

    in picture #2 u can see the yellow string i used to support the plant, i tied three of the branch's to the large tree to the right of it. the plant was slowly going to be to top heavy already so i tied them with a large loop to stop them from falling over.... two weeks ago i gave it a slow...
  18. niggle

    ontario grow. white widow

    gotta love buds :D
  19. niggle

    building first grow cabinet

    another update, so now the sound deadening is on, the electrical is almost done, just have to wire in the 120mm fans. I will be cutting the plexi glass tomorrow for the barrier between the lights and plants... also I will be going to the pet store and get some filter fill. once i finish all...
  20. niggle

    ontario grow. white widow

    if your plant is flowering then yeah you can hit it with a high phosphorus fert, i love molasses, i use it at a 1-2 teaspoons per gallon, I give it a push with the koolbloom and the superthrive. if your still suppose to be vegging then adding some bone/blood meal and some worm castings, if u...