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  1. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    One other thing mate, do you think i should begin flowering now? ill send a pic over for you to judge later tonight..
  2. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    I was just worried that the upward growth has been stunted or something..
  3. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Mate is it normal for the stems too be so thick at and early stage. I know this is generally a sign of a healthy plant, but ive never seen anything like it, being that the plants are so short. They do not seem to be growing upwards, just quite bushy. Its Blueberry and Himalean Gold strains (or...
  4. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    okay great stuff thanks mate, the over watering was my main worry
  5. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    do you think it could be a PH issue aside from lack of nutes? ill pick up a kit on tuesday. someone said that Coco Ph fluctuates a lot, especially when you leave it to dry out a lot between waterings. I am allowing it to get like that as didnt want to overwater...their drinking lots...
  6. C

    Poorly plant

    Great stuff thanks for the link
  7. C

    Poorly plant

    Thanks, that might be relevant because i am allowing it to dry out rather than just the top, with the worry of over i said the leaves do feel dry. Never used Coco before but i have noticed how fast it dries...either that or my plants are hungry buggers!! so you say 5.8? okay ill...
  8. C

    Poorly plant

    yeah suppose ill just need to get a disposable PH tester kit and go from there..feeding on plain water at the moment because i had noticed these symptoms
  9. C

    Poorly plant

    The leaves feel dry although i'm feeding often so i was thinking it could possibly be a heat or nute burn issue, although light is opt distance and temp, with adequate ventilation..6 inch extractor with circulatory fan inside
  10. C

    Poorly plant

    Am feeding roughly 3-4ml of each A&B every feed
  11. C

    Poorly plant

    Canna Coco noir, with canna coco A&B roughly feed every two days when Coco is dry, humidity is in low twenties so feeding often.. Temp is steady 27-28c with light on and 17-20c in dark cycle...400w hps light 18'' from canopy ..unfortunalty havnt got a PH tester kit :(
  12. C

    Poorly plant

    Guys, can you have a quick look at these pics and give me your thoughts. Noticed some of the leaves yellowing with this dark speckling on them. i dont foliar feed or anything. Is it a lock out of nutes or too many?? im baffled!!
  13. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Jondamon can you have a quick look at these pics and see if you tell me whats wrong. Noticed some of the leaves yellowing with this dark speckling on them. i dont foliar feed or anything. Is it a lock out of nutes or too many?? im baffled!!
  14. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    They seem to have picked up now :). The HG (far left) looks a bit yellow but that was just the camera shot..The only problem i have now is the purple haze (far right) It's growth is a bit slower and as you can see its wilty slighty, this is because i was over watering mate, since cutting back...
  15. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Cheers Pal,The ballast is far away from the setup...i'll be measuring no then directly on top of the canopy but now it is around 4-5 inches from the floor but directly below the light..I'll post some pics now so you can have a look..
  16. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Yeah i was considering using an extra desk fan as an intake to try and lower the temp as although my light is around 20'' away as Jondamon suggested they are suffering from a little upward leave exhaust fan is a 5 or 6inch with original carbon filter...exactly same problem though when...
  17. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    I feel like i have no choice mate...No matter what i do temperature is not dropping below 29c :( and plants are showing signs of heat/light stress yellow bits on leaves and edges of leave tips..or am i mistaken that is a deficiency? i'm on the lower dosage of nutes now although..i had fed them...
  18. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Plus im buying an intake fan, in next couple of days!!!!! hope this this will help :(
  19. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Okay cool, its only the Purple haze thats drooping btw now' i'll stick to your suggestion, as it appears red stem is indicitive of nutrient defiency...weird thing is its only red on purple haze right now other two appear to be growing healthier...however i'm thinking they have a bit of heat...
  20. C

    Heat/Humidity Problems Help!!

    Okay i thought you meant a booster...i'll pick one up is there any particular brand you would recommend? Thanks mate