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  1. R

    Cracking and Discolouring Lower Leaves, Easy Ryder, Day 26, 400W

    Hi all! So I'm carrying out an Easy Ryder, 400W HPS, 6 Plant, tent grow and have come across a problem with my plants that I was hoping you could diagnose. Here's my journal for the full story. I've already made a post about it there and this is going to be mostly a copy and paste of that...
  2. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    And now onto something not so sexy. The malody I mentioned earlier which seems to be affecting the lower, older leaves, particularly of Plant 2, and to a lesser extent, Plant 1. I was hoping someone could tell me if there is cause for concern and if so what I am doing wrong and what can be done...
  3. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    Sorry that my camera sucks so much under this HPS lighting. I should try to shoot with flash during lights off. Speaking of which, to answer your question Mechanical, from what I've read it is quite common to grow Autos with a 20/4 schedule. Or even 18/6! Some say that having them on 24/0 burns...
  4. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    Ok now we're at today, 21st December. Plants are looking quite good but I've just noticed some damage to the oldest (bottom) leaves of particularly one plant. I'll get to that, but first general snaps... Flush 1: Plant 1 - Easy Ryder - 26 days from beginning germination in soil: Plant 2 -...
  5. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    This is my earliest set of pictures including the second flush of plants. I believe they were taken on 15th December. I will number the plants and attempt to stick to them from now on, in the order they came up... Flush 1: Plant 1 - Easy Ryder - 20 days from beginning germination in soil...
  6. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    I reserved this slot earlier from some older photos I hadn't uploaded to keep them in chronological order. I believe they were taken on the 13th of December. At this point the last seed of the new batch of Easy Ryder seeds hadn't shown up yet so there are only 5 plants... Flush 1 (original...
  7. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    It's been a while so I've got a couple of posts to catch up with. Not that this thread seems to be getting much attention anyway! Things have changed a bit since then and I've been sloppy with recording things. After my last post I tried to de-shell the seedling with the shell stuck on it's...
  8. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    Ok here it is - baby pics... Excuse the poor photo quality: First 3 are paid-for Easy Ryder. Last is paid-for Sweet Dwarf. Still no sign of other Sweet Dwarf or freebee Easy Ryder :-( Don't know what to do about that... I did a little reading about seed shells getting stuck on seedlings...
  9. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    I've since seen a picture from someone who bought a single feminised Easy Ryder seed from Altitude Seeds and it came in exactly the same packet as my free one so I'm sure that's what it is. So as for an update. Four out of six seeds have shown themselves. First was the three paid for Easy...
  10. R

    Dual-Spec vs. Regular HPS for Flowering?

    Hmmm... Bump?...
  11. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    Yeah, I was thinking about trying to get some seeds if I do get a male My transaction with Altitude seeds went completely smoothly and with tons of freebees, so I wouldn't worry. Will keep you posted on the babies!
  12. R

    Dual-Spec vs. Regular HPS for Flowering?

    I'm just embarking on my first grow attempt and have opted for a 400w dual-spectrum HPS lamp for both veg and flower to save money on a second/switch-able ballast and a second bulb. See my complete set-up here. Getting an MH for veg isn't an option because of the ballast, but I noticed I can...
  13. R

    Diesel Ryder 1st Indoor Grow

    Nice set up man, I'll be following your progress :-)
  14. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    Ah nice one skyhigh. I'll check out your posts :mrgreen: So to update - germination occurred yesterday afternoon. I decided to add a 6th seed to the set-up because there seemed to be ample space. It was a free one, also called Easy Ryder, but it didn't say Joint Doctor on the packet. I can't...
  15. R

    First Grow Imminent! Any tips appreciated, will update as Log. Auto, 400w, 5 plant.

    Hi Roll It Up. This will be my first grow and my first post here - It seems like a cool place, so thanks for having me! I thought I'd start with a pre-grow post to introduce my set up and then update this thread as a Grow Log once things are under-way. If anyone cares to review my proposed...