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  1. S

    first grow, 1st week into flowering. rando question here is a link to my thread wich shows the plants during there veg stage
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    first grow, 1st week into flowering. rando question

    i will take some pics tomorrow morning and post, there in there night cycle right now. there full of popcorn sized buds at the end of the first week of flowering, which i think is outstanding. i have 7 plants under a 400w hps, using foxfarms soil and nutes, and 1 big spoon full of g-ma's...
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    first grow, 1st week into flowering. rando question

    well like the title says this is my first grow. i was just wondering about general genetics...i already have buds everywhere popcorn sized. is this below normal, normal, or above normal for general growing. there all indicas. thanks for the answers to my rando question!! lol
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    i cant tell tho if its being caused by too much fert or if its a mag defecincy.....anyone?
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    thanks for the does show better pics than others!
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    thanks everyone for the replies! dalefthandman, i agree, i dont think that its anything too threatening at this point but i just want to make certain of the problem before i go trying to correct it. i plan on flowering in another week or 2..all girls are showing sex. its just that untill now all...
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    plant 7- last and final plant- 23"tall, 16"wide.
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    plant #5- 18"tall, 15"wide. you can see in some of these pictures how some leaves are dark green with blotchy lighter green in them at spots.
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    plant #4- 21" tall, 16"wide, you can see in some of these pics that some leaves are curling up on the edges.
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    plant #3- 18" tall, 12" can see some of the reddish/purpleish color on the stem in one of the pics
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    plant 1- 15" tall, 13" wide...just a few are turning light green
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    need sum help, pics included. indoor grow!!!!!! too much fert or dificency?

    im about 8 or 9 weeks into vegatative stage. indica plants. currently in 24 hour light, 400 watt metal halide. using foxfarms ocean forest soil, and foxfarms grow big and big bloom at half strength. i water with distilled water when the soil drys out and plants look a little droopy. ph is at 6.5...
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    1st closet grow, questions!! pics included

    yeah i have realized that as long as you do ur research you should be fine. can anyone help with identifying problem with a few leaves i have yellowing. the veins are still green, just yellowing around them on the edges. i thought it was a mg defecincy due to high ph level, 7.5 to 8...i droped...
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    1st closet grow, questions!! pics included

    thanks shabang! i plan on doing some work in the attic builing a wall and putting in a a/c unit and getting 2 1000w hps lights if i have time and trying a vertical grow around them if i can clone them.
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    1st closet grow, questions!! pics included

    you are correct, and i plan to use that for flowering as i will be using a diff area, but i went the cheap way at the begining because i didnt know the strain or if they were even gonna
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    1st closet grow, questions!! pics included

    and yes i rotated the shorter plants in the middle, i just transplanted alot of them to bigger pots, the white pots.
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    1st closet grow, questions!! pics included

    yes 6 weeks into veg stage. 1 has pre-flowers just on top 2 sets of nodes, another might have pre-flowers starting, ill know for sure tomorrow i think. no others have signs of female or male yet, temp is at 74 degrees, 24 hour lights.
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    1st closet grow, questions!! pics included

    this is my first grow, using 400w mh for veg stage, switching to 400w hps for flowering. im in week 6 of veg stage. i dont know the strain, but i believe they are all indica's, i used seeds from bag. im using foxfarms ocean forest soil, with fox farms grow big and bloom big right now at half...