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  1. G

    Biobizz all mix too strong?

    I've chosen to grow in Biobizz all mix, but I think it'll be too strong for my cuts as they have only rooted the small rockwool cubes, so basicly hardly any roots and don't need feeding, so would it be best to put them into b&Q verve sowing and cutting compost in small pots, until they've rooted...
  2. G

    leaves turning yellow/brown

    humidity 50%, I have a bigger ventilation kit for the 600watt hps, I'm using it atm and tempature is 79. I don't think its nothing to do with the light now btw, i changed back to the cfl to see how they go and stayed the same... i think its a nitrogen defiency... any idea how i can make this better?
  3. G

    leaves turning yellow/brown

    was using a 125w cfl and they were fine nice green leafs, then i changed to my 600watt hps and the next morning the leaves were yellowy green and bit of brown on them... the light was 25inches away
  4. G

    lots of root growth, but no plant growth?

    I thought the ph needs to be 5.8 when growing in canna coco? 6.5 is for soil?
  5. G

    lots of root growth, but no plant growth?

    my plants have rooted like crazy, but the plant doesn't seem to be growing. the clones rooted out the small pots, then i transplanted them into 10litre pots, but i think ive transplanted them to early. if i let them root out the small pots a bit more, then the plant would of grown more instead...
  6. G

    exhaust system

    ill go with the carbon filter before the lights and ill use a 6" extractor through that and another extractor kit in there at the top to keep temps down and get a fan speed/temp controler... do i need a intake fan?
  7. G

    exhaust system

    will this work? what size extractor kit do i need? would it be better to have the carbon filter in the tent sucking the air in then out the tent? this method i think works as ive used it before but for a different size room. what size fan and what ever will i need for this? remember the holes on...
  8. G

    1200w 4x8 Tent Grow

    how many plants have you put in there and how long you veging them for? nice setup. at the moment ive got a 4x4 with 1 600w hps same as yours but ugrading to bigger tent and another light :) would love to know your yield... im doing 4 plants in my 4x4
  9. G


    I've got a 2.4mx1.2m tent with 2 600watt hps lights with 8 plants (4 under each light). how long should I veg these for to fill the space? Also before I was thinking just before putting them into 12/12, take some cuttings and have them veging for 8 weeks under cfl or hps, but I want to keep the...
  10. G

    How many, how long to veg for and pot size

    I've got a 600watt air cooled hps light. 3ftx3ftx6ft Room with mylar sheeting. Canna coco + Canna nutes. I plan to do 6 plants in 10 litre pots 4-5 weeks veg with LST method, but not sure. What do you recommend? I'll more than likely change my mind... lol So here's a few questions... How long...
  11. G

    what size light?

    LEDs expensive not going for them lol... I'll more than likely go for a 600watt light with 5" extractor
  12. G

    what size light?

    I've got a room 1mx1mx1.5m. What size light should I use and extractor fan? My mate has same size room with a 400watt air cooled light, but I heard 600watt will give a bigger yield, so I'd like to use the bigger light. Could I use a 600watt non air cooled and use a bigger extractor fan? or...
  13. G

    The plan... will it work?

    yes exactly i use these 3 lights also with veg but just not all of them as dont need all of them at that stage
  14. G

    The plan... will it work?

    while veging i put 9 under 1 600w hps and 9 under the other, then when ready to flip spread them between the 3 600w lights... 6 under each light also so 2 weeks before they're ready to harvest take some cuts? never tried to taking cuts when they're in flower didn't think it would work because...
  15. G

    The plan... will it work?

    also them long bulbs in pic 4 where do you get them from and what they plug into? what are they called? found the bulbs on ebay but not the thing they plug into -.- its not a normal cfl thing they plug into?
  16. G

    The plan... will it work?

    If I kept on growing how I do now all 18 plants in veg for 4 weeks then 8 weeks in flower.... I'd take cuts at 4 weeks, but when my clones are ready to be put into veg I'd have no where to put them, because my plants wouldnt have finished flowering? or could I just leave the clones and just keep...
  17. G

    The plan... will it work?

    at the moment I don't do my own clones/cuts I buy them, then grow 18 plants under 3 600watt hps lights and the guy sometimes takes long to get clones, so have to wait around which is anoying. This is why I'm thinking of doing this method... I'll get to harvest every month and wont have to buy...
  18. G

    The plan... will it work?

    The plan... 1x 300w cfl light 2x 600w hps light 6x plants per light The plan is to veg 6 plants under the CFL for 1 month, take 6 cuttings, then put the 6 cuttings under the CFL and move the 6 plants under light A(600w HPS), when the 6 cuttings have been veged for a month, take 6 cuttings and...
  19. G

    First time grow, cupboard set up, 400w hps, Mazar kush and Barneys farm phat fruity

    how much canna a & b were you using per litre of water from the start? looking good im planning to grow in coco next but not sure about what ml of nutes to use per litre of water and how much to up it every week... think you could help me out?
  20. G

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    im planning to grow in canna coco with all the canna nutes, but not 100% sure on how much nutes to mix as I think 15ml A and 15ml B mixed in 10 Litres of water at ph 5.8 for the first week is to much and will kill the plant from nute burn? from the chart i was planning to do all it says in that...