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  1. L

    When Should I Water?

    When should I be watering my girls? Just wondering if watering before dark or in morning is best. Sorry if that's a lame question - got into a debate with a bud of mine, he said it should be done at night. Thank you all :)
  2. L

    VERY cool pics of early flowers and Question

    Ya - check my threads out - kinda a history behind these 2 girls..:D - I move them east to west window - and to bed they go in a blacked out closet (12/12). No clue what the hell I was doin when I started, but they have gone bananas and I really want them to give me good smoke. Buddy said 6...
  3. L

    VERY cool pics of early flowers and Question

    One is Indica - and the other is a sativa hybrid (guessing by the looks). Bag seed and that's all I know. Surprised they made it this far. Bushy and healthy :). Sorry if that doesn't help.
  4. L

    VERY cool pics of early flowers and Question

    I am 2 1/2 weeks into 12/12 on these two girls. Flowering is going great - I think. I am not using any artificial light - only sunshine. How long do you think it's gonna take to full bloom on these? They vegged 3 months - crazy huh. I'm seeing good flower growth, but an estimation on when I...
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    That lil plant looks happy!
  6. L

    Question about air circulation - please :)

    Thanks for replies! I only have 2 plants, but they are big. Lots of room in the closet. I think I'm gonna get a small fan just to make a little air move - get that aroma driftin around :lol:. Thanx again. Peace
  7. L

    Question about air circulation - please :)

    How important is air circulation during the 12 hrs of dark? I put mine in pitch black closet - it's cool, but no fans. During the day - I make sure they get a nice breeze :). Is a fan critical? Mine are flowering now 2 weeks - lookin shaaweet. Thanx.
  8. L

    new grower. will growing buy a window work??

    Search my username for my threads - I have grown 2 absolutely beautiful flowering plants - in my windows. At 3 months I started them on 12/12. I move them twice a day - east to west window, then to the dark room for sleepin :). Sometimes if it's cloudy, I break out some artificial light - but...
  9. L

    My "Girls"!! Thank you for the advice! Pics4u

    Thanks so much for the response. I have made sure these plants have gotten as much sunlight as possible. When I started them out - I did use some artificial lights - but probably for only 3 weeks, and then only when it was extremely cloudy. I move them from an east window to a west window...
  10. L

    My "Girls"!! Thank you for the advice! Pics4u

    It's a week since I posted the last pics and the flowering is taking off! These girls have had no artificial light and are doing pretty good. I'm 2 weeks into flowering now (12/12). Are they looking good? I could just eat them!! Yummy. But the process is slow :roll:. Since I'm a dumb ass and...
  11. L

    How big are these gonna get??? Help :)

    Someone said my Sativa could reach 9 feet?? I really need some help with this. Will it get that big as it is flowering? Anything I can do to keep if from getting that big? Thanx
  12. L

    How big are these gonna get??? Help :)

    These are growin indoors - natural sunlight. Got them on 12/12 and got girls flowering 1 week now. Think it's a Sativa and Indica. They vegged 3 months. How much bigger are they gonna get before they are done buddin? And - anyone guess how much they might give me? My first grow and I'm...
  13. L

    Long white hairs, now what?

    I have 2 plants growing under natural sunlight indoors. They are 3 months now and I didn't know about the 12/12. Started that a week ago and now I have white hairs coming out everywhere. Just hang in there and make sure your 12 hours of dark is totally dark. I also topped mine when they were...
  14. L

    My "Girls"!! Thank you for the advice! Pics4u

    These are my two (Idica and Sativa) girls..yess!!! Thanks to the advice I received, after only a week on 12/12 they are flowering, and I'm no expert - but they look like girls to me!! I'm growing these indoors with natural sunlight - yes, I have to move them around mid day - but they are awsome...
  15. L

    Indoor 3 month old plants

    Thanks so much for the advice. I haven't been giving them the darkness they need! :-? So, I am going to put them on a strict routine. Didn't realize all the extra light they have been getting. I have just two more questions - they are 3 mo now, so how long do you think it will take them to show...
  16. L

    Indoor 3 month old plants

    Here are some pics of my indoor - natural light babies. Am I on a the right track or do they look funky? I love these things, so any help to save them is greatly appreciated.
  17. L

    Indoor 3 month old plants

    They are growing under natural sunlight indoors. The plants were an experiment and now I have 3 beautiful plants - we did plant some outside. I'm concerned about my 3 indoor plants because they have been growing under 9-11 hours of natural light for 3 months and now I'm not sure what to do next...
  18. L

    Indoor 3 month old plants

    k - thanks for the info. I don't know what I'm doing lol, but wish I would have started them out 24/24, kind of at a loss really. They never have received more than 10-11 hours of light a day. Just seems weird to increase the light to 12/12, but I'll try it and see. Thanks again. Legalize
  19. L

    Indoor 3 month old plants

    LOL...Here I thought they were getting ready to do something..lmao. So what happens if I keep them on the natural sunlight? OR..what if I start decreasing their light all together, will that induce flowering or just kill them? We transplanted 2 outside already, they are doing great. I'm still...
  20. L

    Indoor 3 month old plants

    Ok, so even tho they are 3 months old, get some lighting and do 12/12? How long since they are really growing well with the sunlight? This started out as an experiment, I was thinking they were getting hairs (the Sativas), but not sure. Thanks again guys.