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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow? ? or did you mean make the trash can a hydro set up? If that's what you meant that's genius. I'm gonna try that, one HUGE GRAND DADDY Outside Hydro Trashcan system. What size pump, net, what kinds of stones, any...
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    I wanna do this, how?
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    I'll try this :) thank you. Any type of mulch? I hope these just to be big mama plants that I can take some nice clippings from and clone the dank outa em. I just added two new friends to my daycare center. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you: Blue Dream and OG:
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    thank you for the great advice
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    Indoor Set Up Posted in Original Posting
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    ok, hmm i'm gonna move it close and see if it burns
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    how much should i water them with that much soil?
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    Not the nutrients, I got MiracleGrow brand Organic Potting Soil. Nutrients wise i'm using SensiGrow A and B, B-52, Voodoo Juice, Tarantula and Piranha at little less than 500 ppms, and 6.8 ph. How often should i water?
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    awesome! i'll go do that right now, thank you for the advice! how far above the plants should my flo lights be
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    Thank you, here is a link to my inside grow, comments appreciated:
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    Hello All! This is my first inside grow and i'm hoping it goes well! I have 10 White Widows, 2 Straw Berry Blues and 1 Purple Haze inside. Outside in my 32 Gal Buckets I have Jack Herrer and Dutch, both gonna be mother plants...
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    Jack Herrer and Dutch
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    Should I get holes at the bottom of the trash can to drain? Should I grow in 30 gal airflowing cloth bags instead of the trash can?
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    *Update 5/8/10* Pictures Added Lower Down Thread and Inside Op: Hello, I have 3 plants that I will be growing outside. One Jack Herrer and a Dutch, both will be mother plants. Also bringing a white...