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    Who has the biggest yield for 1 plant???

    My question is your own personal record on an outdoor growing plant. I am curious what the biggest yield is
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    How tall will my plants get???

    I have two purple power plants growing in the ground outside. They are already 4 feet tall and I was wondering how tall they will get. I live in so-cal and its only mid june. I topped them already and I was curious how tall they may grow? Please help
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    Who has the biggest yield for 1 plant???

    This is my first outdoor grow and I have heard so many different opinions about the amount of bud a person can get from growing outdoors. Please tell me the most dried amount of bud you have gotten off 1 plant. Thanks for the info
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    Clones in socal

    you can buy a power cloner for 125 buks. Its so easy to use and I make my own cuttings now. Saves money and I dont have to worry about getting cheated on some shitty clones. Good Luck
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    Quick Stupid Question. Help!!!

    thanks for the help
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    Quick Stupid Question. Help!!!

    My buds are drying in the dry box for 2 days now and when the stem breaks I will put them in mason jars. My question is do I cut off all stems and manicure the bud totally before putting them in jars to cure? Please help
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    Little green grasshoppers? Help Please!

    where do u live? I livein so cal and I saw 7 small little bastards on 1 of my purple power plants. I also have noticed a lot of holes. I am gonna try neem oil i picked up at lows today. Supposedly this is the best thing to use. Good luck
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    Is June 17th too late to make cuttings?

    it depends where u live. If u live in so cal that will be ok. They will not get as big but u can still have a decent crop. Where do u live?
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    Which stem should crack?

    thanks alot
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    Purple Power and Durban Poison Questions? Please help

    Igot em from marijuana and they were both supposedly for the outdoors. I live in so cal and they are in the ground. Not pots. I know we have a long growing season and they are already 4 feet tell. So i am curious how tall they might get. if they get too tall I may have to top em
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    Purple Power and Durban Poison Questions? Please help

    I have 2 purple power feminized and 2 durban poison feminized plants and I have them growing in the ground. They are 4 feet tall already and I was curious if anyone knew if these are going to produce good buds? Also if you know the approximate yield that would be great. Thanks
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    Topsy Turvy

    the problem with the topsy turvy is its only about a 2 gallon pot. Way to small if you want to produce much smoke.
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    Which stem should crack?

    My bubba kush has been drying overnight in the drybox i made. I figure it will take at least 5 to 10 days to dry. My question is which stalk do i crack to see if its ready to go into jars to start curing. The big main stalk or the little stalks that hold the buds? Please help
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    Our First Harvest!!!

    It's Bubba Kush..Does the drying room have to be dark?
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    Our First Harvest!!!

    The trichlones are starting to amber up. We are going to harvest in the next 2-3 days, any drying techniques? It's a small plant, we don't need much room. Thanks..see pics attached..:weed:
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    Proper Staking Techniques

    dont worry about damaging the roots. It does minimal damage to the plant. The feeder roots are the ones you dont want to damage and they are all around the edges of the pot. Marijuana plants are very hardy. I cut half of a rootball one time and the plant drooped a little for a day and was fine...
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    Our first harvest!!!

    Trichlones are starting to amber up. Gonna harvest our first plant in the next day or two...Any simple drying techniques? It's only one plant and it's I do not need much space to dry.. Thanks
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    Whats Wrong With Miracle Gro Tomato and Vegatable Fertilizer?

    I have two plants that are growing outside in the southern california sun. They are in the ground and doing great. I am feeding them Mrcl gro tomato fert once a week on mondays. On thursdays I just started feeding fish emulsion. I also always add superthrive with every watering. I heard...
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    PROBLEM with outdoors grow!

    use neem oil. u can get it ao lows or the home depot. works great
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    how much water is enough???

    they are in the ground. All natural