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    Molasses Question Please Help!!!

    My grandaddy purple plant has been budding for 2 months. The triclones r still milky. I have been feeding them molasses at every feeding. Should I flush the last two weeks with or without molasses? Please help. If it is ok to keep giving it molasses I will.
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    Black Ants nest close by..

    I live in so cal and I planted 2 plants and they are infested with black ants. I got scared but they are 4 feet tall now and the ants dont seem to be bothering them. Good luck
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    how much water is enough???

    I have 2 purple power plants outside and they are about 4 feet tall. They are looking great and I water them twice a week. My question is I am in So Cal and will that be enough all summer? Or will I have to water at least 3 times a week. Any good advice would be greatly appreciated.
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    How To Flower Outdoors

    I have been using the trashbag technique for the last 8 weeks and my plant is budding beautifully. I leave it in the backyard and cover it at 7pm and uncover at 7am. Very easy. Just dont forget to uncover it or the sun will cook the plant
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    How Long Should I Flush Before Harvest?

    is molasses ok to use?
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    I need good information please!!!

    i will post pics as soon as I can. The holes are big enough to fit a 10 gallon pot in. The soil is amended with mulch from the store and I am feeding mrcl gro tomato food weekly as well as fish emulsion. They are getting really big really quik but the cover is really tall so im not too...
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    How Long Should I Flush Before Harvest?

    I have a indica strain and it has been flowering for 8 weeks. Shouls I start flushing? Is flushing just using regular water without fertilizere? any advice would be very helpful
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    First time grower help

    i would get a peg leg and hide your stash in it!!!!!
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    I need good information please!!!

    I have 10 purple power plants growing outside. They are already 3 feet tall. My question is can I expect a pound per plant? I know it depends on growing conditions. But I live in Southern Cali and there is great weather. I also dug huge holes and am feeding them. What can I realistically...
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    worst 2 days ever

    u need to find a spot that is much less traveled. If people are finding your plots then go where the people dont go. good luck. Think like a samaria grasshopper
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    How to disguise marijuana CHEAPLY and SUCCESSFULLY

    my friend says he grows morning glories next to the weed plants. They wrap around the weed plants and have nice flowers. He said it doesnt hurt the weed plants. Good luck
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    Help: do these look okay?

    i would get a pocket microscope from radio shack. 15 buks and you can see the triclones on the buds. When half of the triclones are amber color its done. Good Smoking
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    quick question

    i have planted all of my plants on a giant ant hill. It has been 2 months and the plants are doing fine. I know they are small black ants but there is a shitload of em. I think its ok though. Im not sure of red ants but your probably ok
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    Need help with outdoor transplant (Romulan)

    you need to keep them in total shade for at least a week. The sun will burn them. It takes time for the clones to get adjusted. Good luck
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    help indoor to outdoor 1st grow

    make sure you put them in the shade for a week or two. It takes time for the plants to get adjusted
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    Water Problem!!!! Need Help

    I have an area where I have my plants and it has a water runoff close to the plants. The problem is its starting to dry out. I think I have another month of water but I was thinking of ways to store water in the area. Im open to all ideas. Thanks
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    When will my clones stop flowering???

    I have 2 bubba kush clones that I took from 18 hour light and put them outside. They have adjusted pretty well but they are flowering. They are growing but im in so cal and I thought the clones would go back to the veg stage already. Does anyone have any good info? Will they turn back to veg...
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    Using Swamp Water

    no, actually i use water from a source thats really dirty. It actually is very good for the plants because it has a lot of nutrients. My plants are 3 feet tall already.
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    Why are my plants flowering already??

    thanks for the advice. I will put her inside in the dark for 12 hours and hopefully finish her off. I can see the little buds getting bigger. This is my first plant and I cant wait to smoke her
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    Flowering question

    Should all leaves that do not have buds on em be snipped? I read that if all sucker leaves are removed the plant can focus on growing bigger buds. Any advice would be helpful