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  1. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Ya I do have alot of time to learn lol but ya im just going to let the Males go so ill have more for next year so i can get better at growing haha hope all goes well this year also Im worried about pigs what will they do if they find the grow?
  2. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Alright thanks man also all my friends say its really hard to grow weed is that true? and also im growing some where in the NW is this a good place to grow ? cuz ive heard alot of conflicting opinions Thanks:hump:
  3. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Alright thanks man hope this is going to be a good year hoping for like a pound or more
  4. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Ya Thanks haha lol but I think the spot is great only concern is tall swamp trees me and my friend are going to cut down a couple that should give the girls enough light also for soil will mircale grow with some other organic nutes be ok?also Water isnt a concern because there are really clean...
  5. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    thanks also im debating wether to let the males go with the females cuz I want seeds next year how much bud do you think I would get with an already fertilzered female and how many seeds would I get per female?
  6. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    thanks also im debating wether to let the males go with the females cuz I want seeds next year how much bud do you think I would get with an already fertilzered female and how many seeds would I get per female?
  7. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Alright it defintaly get 5 hours i think i am chopping down trees with a friend so the light should be fine thanks and theres a stream right by it so water shouldnt be an issue Im worried about drainage i defintaly dont want root rot is there any way to prevent this I will be growing in 5 gallon...
  8. M

    Outdoor spots what to look for and what not to

    Hey guys kinda a noob on this site and im planning on growing some ganja this summer i have 30 seeds of an unknown indica strain and I have been having troubling finding spots I have a couple in mine but im worried there is not enough direct sunlight I plan on growing in kinda of a wetland place...