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  1. S

    The bigger the planter the bigger the plant?

    I grow in 10gal pots, veg 8-9wks, bloom 8-9wks. I do 6 and 6 so I veg the whole time I'm in bloom. Last run 6 plants, 5 lights, 3000w, 2294g=.764gpw. You boys better tighten up this was my 1st run and things are only going to get better. I'm smiling so hard my face hurts:lol:
  2. S

    3 gal pots vs 5 gal or larger

    I run 6 bloom & 6 veg from solo to 3gal to 10gal. I veg the entire bloom time 8-9 weeks. My bloom space 7x10 and the 6 plants pretty much fill it. Just had a huge harvest 3 plants had a 42" canopy with 30-35 colas, 1 was in a 40"x48" scrog with 50 plus colas, the last 2 weren't as big but the...
  3. S

    Does cola count affect the quality of the cola

    Thx for all the quick responses guys. How much will the cure improve flavor and potency. Herb smells good and looks like a bud of solid red hair.
  4. S

    Does cola count affect the quality of the cola

    Is there a point where you can have to many colas. At what point does it affect the potency, if any at all. I just harvested 2 widow specials, they were massive 42" canopies with 30-35 colas each. Both plants were in 10 gal pots w/ ffof with very little nutrients. Plants veg'd 8.5 weeks and were...
  5. S

    Leaves turning please advise

    Could stress be a problem. I have been working this plant rather hard. Topped from the 5th to 3 node, fem'd, supercropped and refem'd. Could it be abuse. Plant is currently strapped down opening up the canopy and resupercropped. You know, as I type all this down I'm starting to see where my...
  6. S

    Leaves turning please advise

    Over all the plant looks super healthy and is my #1 of 6. Problem was there a week ago and I removed the yellowing lower leaf. I didn't feel concerned at the time, but now its turning the lower leaves again. There were no burnt tips nor were they pointing up or down, just slowly turning yellow...
  7. S

    Leaves turning please advise

    I have plants in 8gal breather bag w/ffof @ 6weeks veg. Lower leaves are turning yellow, stating at the tips and working its way thru the leaf. My last fertilizing was 1/2tsp grow big per gal. on 12/06.
  8. S

    1st Grow Massive Plants Widow Spc & BlackJack wk 4 bloom

    Just a couple shots of the kids, the canopy shots were lights on.
  9. S

    1st Grow Massive Plants Widow Spc & BlackJack wk 4 bloom

    A friend started these clones for me, veg was 8 1/2 weeks. Went from 2gal to 10gal pots with ffof & ff nuits. The Widow Spec has a 42" round canopy and the BlackJack is in a 40"x48" scrog. I seem to be smiling more and more every day. I also have babies in veg 4 weeks Snow & Ice. Christmas...
  10. S

    Spouse has been burping alot on the oil, help

    My spouse has been taking oil for over 3 weeks and is having a problem with burping the oil. Anyone know of any thing that might reduce this affect. Thx All