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  1. R

    how to clean a tree perc? help needed!

    put some rubbing alcohol in the microwave in a safe container until pretty warm like 15 sec then pour it in then shake like crazy has never let me down before. becareful tho when you shake it and the holes are covered it builds pressure so when you move your fingers it can spray
  2. R

    First grow. From seed all the way up to second week of flowering :D Pics!

    they are still flowering nicely One smells super skunky the other is a weird sweet skunky musty smell i was worried that it got too humid even but the scent keeps changing and no signs of mold
  3. R

    First grow. From seed all the way up to second week of flowering :D Pics!

    hempy buckets = hydroponic no soil just straight perlite in one, perlite vermeculite combo in the other to see the differences. Fox farms nutes
  4. R

    First grow. From seed all the way up to second week of flowering :D Pics!

    This is my first grow started with 4 plants had 2 males. This was for more a first time educational run so thats ok. Hempy buckets 400 watt hps and a 135 led. I think they are looking pretty good any input or tips is appreciated!
  5. R

    Male or Female?! :REPOST (better pictures)

    your pics suck :(
  6. R

    Need help early sexting.

    too young still
  7. R

    Can someone verify this a male please?1st grow!

    I only have 1 grow room and dont want to pollinate the girls so i think its gonna have to be thrown away :(
  8. R

    Can someone verify this a male please?1st grow!

    lol ty for the responses 3 for 4 girls this time not too bad!
  9. R

    Can someone verify this a male please?1st grow!

    bout to snap some better pics in a sec
  10. R

    Can someone verify this a male please?1st grow!

    This is a male right? odd its the shortest in height and latest bloomer Thank you for any replies.
  11. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    I already chopped it they were all about 5-6 except one that got way too tall fast. prolly a male.
  12. R

    LED Haters

    What brand light?
  13. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    So Is this how you would have cut it?
  14. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    I topped them how i drew it in the picture so we'll see what happens they are doing well 24 hours later. The plants were all about a month old from seed. Hoping to have at least 2 female. No I have a pretty large closet thats just where i Have them confined for lighting right now I only have a...
  15. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    just about a month. I get confuse because there are where the big leafs come out of the stem an then there are also the smaller ones that came later i dont think you count those. if any one can paint where to cut id appreciate it
  16. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    i looked at that thread im just confused on where to cut it and dont want to mess it up. Is this right? Updated pic^
  17. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    lol all plants aren't females just because the light is 12/12.
  18. R

    Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics

    Thanks this is my first grow. Hempy buckets, here are the pics I want to top them at the second true node for 4 colas but I get confused and dont want to cut at the wrong node any help is appreciated. Also I am not sure if all my plants are females yet. 1 is really tall so im scared its a male...