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  1. K

    Indoor 1000w grow

    I have about 8 feet of vertical height and its about 5 feet and some change wide. Im using Canna Coco A & B Hydroponic Nutrients
  2. K

    Indoor 1000w grow

    Yeah the whole room runs on its own separate ventilation. Just started the 12/12 light cycle 2 or 3 days ago so no buds yet but already its starting to smell skunky.
  3. K

    Indoor 1000w grow

    Its hard to differentiate unless you're in the room but there are 4 thc bomb, 1martian kush,1 royal haze,1 Sour kosher, 1 Silver Haze. I topped each plant a few times during veg i would have topped more but i didn't want to stress them too much, and this being my second grow I really just...
  4. K

    Indoor 1000w grow

    8 plants grown in smart pots with canna coco as a medium. Under a 1000w super hps light. Canna two part fertilizer system given every watering. I just switched to 12/12 light cycle. Started around september 8th. I know pictures are not the best but feedback is appreciated. This is my...
  5. K

    Help me out please, Did she turn hermie?

    Well its been a couple days and no more male parts have shown how ever the pistils are still still popping up and the plant is getting frostier everyday. Maybe i got lucky or maybe im just heading towards destruction either way its to early to tell. Thank you all for your advice im not going...
  6. K

    Help me out please, Did she turn hermie?

    i appreciate your response however im moving out fairly soon to a new place so the grow room wont be that much of a problem and i only have one plant going at this time because of the move out date being so close. The only concern i have at this time is will it still produce decent weed or is it...
  7. K

    Help me out please, Did she turn hermie?

    Figured as much.. Damn i kind of expected this the start of this plant wasn't easy. I have one more question this is literally the only site that has shown male sex, every other part of the plant has pistils on it, is it possible just to pluck this one sac off and continue the grow?
  8. K

    Help me out please, Did she turn hermie?

    The first two pics are the same site from different positions The third picture is the pistils growing, pistils are popping up everywhere except that one site. edit: sorry for poor quality have to work with what i got, thank you all for your help .
  9. K

    Help please!! i think a problem is starting. pics in thread!

    I thank you for your long and very helpful post. If i can ask you for one more favor i would be indebt for saving this plant.can you tell me what soil i should buy. There isnt a very good selection of soil where i am at. the only store i have near me is Lowes so if you could please link me to a...
  10. K

    Help please!! i think a problem is starting. pics in thread!

    i just watered her recently should i wait for her to dry up before i flush?
  11. K

    Help please!! i think a problem is starting. pics in thread!

    one or two of the new leaves on the bottom are starting to yellow abit on the tips and some of the bigger top leaves have brown or yellow spots on the very tips. please help me !! i have added no nutes but i am using miracle grow .. i know im a noobie i learned it was no good after i planted it...
  12. K

    Northern Lights X BB auto & Speed Devil auto

    Hey Im also in the process of growing a NLxBB, Im only a few days behind you my seeds popped up from the soil on the 10th or 11th. Im probably not going to do a journal though. You care if i post pics on this one for comparisons and feed back?
  13. K

    First Time.. Does she look healthy ?

    Yeah its hard not to over love her but I have controlled my self this far, I try to water her every 3 or 4 days, how much water should i be giving her when she needs it ? Sorry if this is a newbie question but hey im a newbie lol.
  14. K

    First Time.. Does she look healthy ?

    Thank you all for the advice i appreciate it all. So far i have moved the lights to about 3 inches away from the plant added a little soil around the stem. And a question about watering i hear if u stick the point of your index finger in the soil and it comes out clean that is when u water it...
  15. K

    First Time.. Does she look healthy ?

    Yeah currently using 3 CFL's , and just brought them down to more or less 3 inches. I can put my hand almost directly on the light and not really feel too much heat.
  16. K

    First Time.. Does she look healthy ?

    The lights about 7 inches away now. When she first popped it was about 12 inches away.
  17. K

    First Time.. Does she look healthy ?

    Northern Lights x Bid Bud auto shes no more than 7 days old. Dont really remember the day she spouted up so cant give an exact date. Just want to say thank you to everyone that posts. ANY advice is accepted!