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  1. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    And yes, it's all about the frequency. VHF (2 meters) won't be affected. The 40 meter HF band seems to pretty susceptible to RFI from ballasts.
  2. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    Tree farmer, LEDs as you know require low voltage, so they need a power supply to drop the voltage down, and the cheap, switching power supplies that they typically use can sometimes cause RFI. It is the ballast that makes the sodium lamps "dirty" where RF is concerned. I've even heard of law...
  3. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    I have a buddy who lives in the UP of Michigan. He has a neighbor who runs a grow operation, and the RFI from those lamps seriously impairs his ability to hear other stations on 40 meters. I love the 40 meter band ALMOST as much as I love cannabis. This life is full of compromises....
  4. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    Sodium lamps are not an option for me. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am a ham radio operator. HPS lamps put out lots of spurious RF, and would fuck up my HF communications. That's a big reason why I chose low-voltage LEDs.
  5. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    Sure I'm serious. But realize that joining this forum is simply a part of the internet research that I have been doing to get the answers that I seek. Basically what you are telling me is, "GTFO of here, we have nothing for you, you can find your answers elsewhere." Getting answers on the...
  6. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    Thanks, Doug. Probably should have done a search first. I've been around the block, I don't take shit personally.
  7. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    Hey, I realize I'm an FNG here, but what exactly did I say to piss you off? Or are you just naturally a rude person?
  8. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    My grow space is in the basement of my home, and it is about 60-65 F and 60 % down there year round. I intend to enclose the space where my plants are and make a "closet" out of it to keep the cats out, and for the very unlikely event where law enforcement might wind up in my basement for...
  9. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    I am sorry if I sounded pissed off or defensive in my last post. Most of you who responded were constructive and helpful, and I appreciate that. But I am definately not a troll, just looking to grow some quality weed.
  10. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    I am aware that an LED grow light advertised as a 2 kilowatt light does not draw that much power. I work as an automotive service technician. I also hold an extra class amateur radio license. I am more knowledgeable about electrical theory than the average person. But being new to growing...
  11. C

    LED grow lights - how much is enough?

    New grower here, I have 8 plants under a single 2000 W LED light. The plants are 3 weeks along, and they appear healthy and vigorous. I have another 2000W LED light on order from Amazon, and the fulfillment of that order is being delayed, so I ordered yet another 2000 W light from another...
  12. C

    Question about soil

    I'm 3 weeks into my first grow, and aside from one of my cats destroying a couple of plants they appear to be doing fine. I think I should have put more thought into my soil selection. In the first, seedling pots I used Miracle Grow indoor soil. I re-potted them into 1 gallon pots after 2...
  13. C

    Cat damage to my plants

    I'm growing some Gorilla Glue and an assortment of other strains in my basement. The plants are just a little shy of three weeks old. One of my cats got into them, completely ate the leaves off two plants and did minor damage to a few more. I have since "cat proofed" my grow area, but I am...